Updates on Big Movers & More

Key Options Updates

We’ve been tracking the ideas we initially posted on Monday morning all week and so far the gains we have seen off of these plays have been monstrous. Below you will find the new highs registered by those targets in the RIOT and MARA chains.

You will also see our updated ideas for the TLRY chain, which has provided us with astounding gains as well. Each and every one of these contract sets has put up massive multibag moves in just a couple of trading days.

RIOT Weekly $27-28 Calls
 1.56-14.80 (+849%)
$27.50: 1.50-14.30 (+853%)
$28: 1.35-13.80 (+922%)

MARA Weekly $26.50-28 Calls 
$26.50: 1.91-12.90 (+575%)
$27: 1.48-13.00 (+778%)
$27.50: 1.51-12.20 (+708%)
$28: 1.43-11.85 (+728%)

TLRY Weekly Calls
 1.70-18.35 (+979%)
$27: 1.22-17.92 (+1368%)
 2.49-12.00 (+382%)
$35: 2.00-11.28 (+464%)
$36: 1.77-10.50 (+493%)

As far as TLRY, which continued its insane run this morning in the premarket, we are going to have to raise our target again to stay on the money, so we’ll be tracking the TLRY Weekly $50-52 Calls. The stock alone has made an incredible move in the month of February already.

Since our mention of it in our report last Tuesday morning, it has run from 19.30 to this morning’s premarket high of 56.00, marking a run of 190% in just a hair over a week! If you had only begun tracking the stock as of this Monday’s report, you still would have witnessed a move of 116% from 25.95-56.00.

Fresh Options Ideas:
TWTR Weekly $63-65 Calls
LYFT Weekly $57-60 Calls 

OTC Runners: 

We’ve also been staying on top of the OTC-traded plays that have recently been making more of an appearance in our reports. We have unearthed several gems in this arena in 2021 so far, with no signs of slowing yet!

Tesoro Enterprises Inc. TSNP
Called: 01/20/21
Gained: 609%

Minerco, Inc. MINE 
Called: 02/09/21
Range: .0062-.017
Gained: 174%

Ozop Energy Solutions, Inc. OZSC
Called: 02/09/21
Gained: 66%

Extended Watchlist:

Key Updates, Fresh Options Ideas

OTC Runners 

In addition to big board options plays, which have become our bread and butter over the years, we still like to follow the money and OTC stocks haven’t been this hot in ages. It takes us back to our roots, when penny plays were our primary focus. We have been tracking quite a few OTC-traded targets in recent weeks, and we’ve got some updates for our readers this morning on how OSCZ, OPTI, and ALYI have fared since we raised the alarm.

Here are the dates of our initial flags, the trading ranges we’ve observed, and the total possible gains they represent, including an incredible 31-BAGGER on OZSC in a matter of just three weeks: 

Ozop Energy Solutions, Inc. OZSC
Initial Alert: January 5th
Range: .007-.23
Gained: 3186%

Optec International Inc. OPTI 
Initial Alert: December 23rd
Range: .056-.20
Gained: 257%

Alternet Systems Inc. ALYI 
Initial Alert: January 7th
Range: .0152-.0475
Gained: 212%

eXp World Holdings Inc. EXPI – Options Update

In our report on Thursday morning, we updated our EXPI watchlist to include the EXPI 02/19 $90-95 Calls and we have had a really nice opportunity with that idea, which has produced multibag gains over these three sessions.

EXPI 02/19 $90-95 Calls
$90: 9.30-24.50 (+163%)
$95: 7.50-21.22 (+183%)

Fresh Options Ideas: 
GE Weekly $11-12 Calls
MMM Weekly $170-172.50 Calls
JNJ Weekly $167.50-170 Calls 

Extended Watchlist:

Keeping the Options Train Rolling

Options Updates:

We’re still following along with the AAPL Weekly $125-127.50 Calls we initially signaled on Monday morning, as well as the updated strikes we provided for that chain in yesterday morning’s report, which were the $136.25-137.50 Calls.

Additionally, the single target we formulated for the VRA chain on the heels of the company’s quarterly earnings drop, the  VRA 09/18 $7.50 Calls also produced multibag gains.

Here are the updated highs for our AAPL Calls from Monday, as well as the total single session ranges and possible gains on our fresh ideas from yesterday. 

AAPL Weekly $125-127.50 Calls
$125: 5.05-13.15 (+160%)
$126.25: 4.00-12.62 (+216%)
$127.50: 3.87-10.52 (+172%)

AAPL $136.25-137.50 Calls.
$136.25: .20-1.55 (+675%)
$137.50: .18-1.24 (+589%)

VRA 09/18 $7.50 Calls 
$455: .20-.70 (+250%)

Fresh Options Ideas: 
FIVE Weekly $121-122 Calls  
CPRT 09/18 $110 Calls

Extended Watchlist: