Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Options Recaps & More

Options Roundup

We had put a couple of options ideas in place as we closed out the trading week on Friday, and found success across the board., Inc. AMZN – It took the better part of the entire morning on Friday for things to heat up for our AMZN puts, but once they did, it sent our highlighted options contracts on one heck of a ride. Those were the AMZN Weekly $780-772.50 Puts and they allowed for profits both approaching and exceeding ten-bagger territory!

Between roughly noon and 3PM, we saw an significant move to the downside which facilitated the following enormous gains:

$780 Puts – Range: .46-4.80 – Max Gain: 943%
$777.50 Puts – Range: .28-3.32 – Max Gain: 1085%
$775 Puts – Range: .14-1.80 – Max Gain: 1185%
$772.50 Calls – Range: .08-1.03 – Max Gain: 1187%


Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd RCL – The contracts we chose for the RCL chain were the RCL 11/18 $67.50-72.50 Calls. These are extended term contracts with plenty of time left until expiration, which explains why the premiums were so high, and the moves were of a lesser magnitude than AMZN. Still, for a first day, we did see some notable gain opportunities, including a double-bagger:

$67.50 Calls – Range: 5.30-7.80 – Max Gain: 47%
$70 Calls – Range: 3.30-5.80 – Max Gain: 76%
$72.50 Calls – Range: 1.70-3.85 – Max Gain: 126%

Axion Power International, Inc. AXPW

We want to circle back to this old familiar play, which up until the past couple of weeks, had been on a continuous downslide for quite some time. Due to a number of factors, we’ll be interested in tracking the stock’s progress off of its recently registered annual lows.

On Friday, the stock made a nice move and temporarily cracked the 50DMA at .0131, which will be the key area of resistance of which we’ll be watching for a sustained break. As you can see on the chart below, the stock recently woke up off of being heavily oversold for an extended period, and we’re going to want to track every step of its recovery.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Cannabis Updates, Options & More

Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CNBX

We began talking about CNBX earlier this month, mentioning it on the 5th and 6th, as part of our ongoing effort to remind our readers of the myriad opportunities there are, and will continue to be, in the cannabis space. We’re now less than two weeks away from an election that should dramatically alter the landscape of the marijuana business.

CNBX is among a number of pot-related plays that we’ve had on our running tracklist, and with the help of a really strong month overall, it has come all the way from our observed low of .06 on the day of our initial mention (10/05) to a new high yesterday of .377. That works out to an increase of 528% inside of three weeks.

It wasn’t the first time we’ve seen such a huge move out of a cannabis stock, and it certainly won’t be the last.

MyDx, Inc. MYDX

Speaking of the cannabis sector, MYDX is another constituent of that space that we’ve been tracking this month only to witness some excellent moves to the upside.

We entered MYDX into the mix on the 10th, and subsequently observed a low of .0225. Since then it’s been a fairly steady ramp-up and yesterday the stock achieved a new high of .0525. It represents a total PPS rise of 133%, which, like the above-mentioned play, occurred in a span of less than three weeks.

Fresh Options Ideas

We’re going to close things out for the week with the following options ideas.

AMZN Weekly $780-772.50 Puts*

RCL Weekly $67.50-72.50 Calls*

*Don’t forget what we always say regarding the trading of weekly options on a Friday. Advanced traders ONLY!

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: EXMT Recap, Options & More

Tesla Motors, Inc. TSLA – Options Idea

With Tesla posting a big earnings beat yesterday post-market, we’re going to want to signal a range of corresponding options calls to potentially capitalize on this untraded-upon development.

We’ve used the TSLA chain to leverage huge options opportunities in the past, and it would seem that conditions are setting up to give us another good chance at some sizable gains this week. We’re going to focus in on the TSLA Weekly $207.50-212.50 Calls for possible daytrade and/or intraweek swing trade possibilities.

Anything Technologies, Inc. EXMT – EXMT was the standout of the bunch from our morning report yesterday. It was an opportune time to revisit the stock, which we hadn’t mentioned in one of our newsletters since early 2014.

The stock traded in a solid range from .0012 to a high of .0026 for a move of 117% and did so on approximately nine times its monthly average volume. Such activity is more than enough to earn it a continued slot on our watchlist.

IMD Companies, Inc. ICBU – This play that we signaled for observation a week ago today has also been recording solid performances this week, and is related to the aforementioned play in that it is captained by the same CEO.

The stock found its low on Monday at .0033, and has since made one heck of a rebound. Yesterday the stock hit a penny even, marking an intraweek pop of 203%

Dominovas Energy Corp. DNRG – Also appearing in yesterday’s report was DNRG, a stock we’ve been actively tracking for well over a year now.

It had been a few months since we last touched upon this play, so the timing here was quite good as well. The stock made a good move from .0022-.0032 on the day, for gains of up to 45%

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: ERBB Recap, Options & More

American Green, Inc. ERBB

In lieu of a typical extended watchlist yesterday morning, we included a series of cannabis related plays. From that list came the familiar face of ERBB, which had itself a solid session which included a strong close.

On more than three times its monthly average volume, the stock traded in a range from .00289 to a high of .0045 (+56%) before closing just a couple of ticks below at .0043. That’s the highest PPS since June of 2015, yet another indication that a second green rush is currently in force.

Procter and Gamble Co. PG – Options Recap

We also wanted to give a quick rehash of the moves made by the options we signaled for observation in yesterday’s report, the PG Weekly $85.50-88 Calls.

We mentioned we’d be on the lookout for a gap-and-go to start the session, and that’s exactly what took place. Despite tapering off toward the end of the day, some nice gains were there for the taking in the morning.

$85.50 Calls – Range: 1.70-2.43 – Max Gain: 43%
$86 Calls – Range: 1.36-2.04 – Max Gain: 50%
$86.50 Calls
– Range: .97-1.53 – Max Gain: 58%
$87 Calls – Range: .66-1.25 – Max Gain: 89%
$87.50 Calls – Range: .41-.88 – Max Gain: 115%
$88 Calls – Range: .25-.61 – Max Gain: 144%

Lockheed Martin Corp. LMT – Options Idea

We’re going to formulate an options idea for major defense contractor Lockheed Martin today, which posted a healthy beat on earnings yesterday, causing a major spike on the chart that sent it up well past its 50DMA.

We’re going to be keen on the LMT 12/02 $255-260 Calls providing that the stock maintains support above this morning’s premarket high of 247.40 on any forthcoming pullbacks.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: IFAN, NEWC Updates & More

IFAN Financial, Inc. IFAN

We had multiple runners come out of yesterday morning’s premarket report, but the star of the show was was without a doubt IFAN. This was a case of looking in the right place at the right time. The stock had posted a marginal increase the session prior, but yesterday’s run was a cut above.

We witnessed as it traded in a fantastic range from .0031, cracking through the penny barrier and reaching a high of .0118. That worked out to an intraday rip of 281% which occurred on nearly thrice the monthly average trading volume.

In instances such as these, we always keep the stock on our radar in the event that the excellent momentum it’s built up washes over into another session.

New Columbia Resources, Inc. NEWC

Prior to yesterday morning’s mention, we had signaled NEWC for observation most recently a week ago today, and the ramp-up we’ve seen between then and yesterday’s solid session has been pretty impressive.

After witnessing a low of .01 subsequent to last week’s report, the stock has really taken off this week, yesterday trading up from .0231 to a new high of .0449 (+94%), which from a penny, marks an upswing of 349% in just a few sessions.

Agritek Holdings, Inc. AGTK 

Speaking of new highs, we’ve been tracking AGTK heavily of late, and it too set a new high mark for us in yesterday’s session, despite already being up so high. As we were mentioning yesterday morning, we caught this play on September 14th, at a low of .003, and the stock never looked back.

Yesterday’s decent move carried it from .0285-.036, a 26% intraday push, which is incredibly modest compared to the overall run we’ve been watching. Yesterday’s new peak registered as an increase of 1100% on the dot over our observed low.

Plandai Biotechnology, Inc. PLPL

We brought back a familiar play in PLPL last Thursday, and reminded readers to continue paying attention in yesterday’s premarket report. The stock has responded with with a nice performance in that span.

Yesterday’s session brought a healthy 56% move up from .04 to a new high of .0624, which from the three-cent low we witnessed at the end of last week, marks a swing of 108%

The Procter and Gamble Co. PG – Fresh Options Idea

As a result of the confluence of both an attractive technical setup on the chart where it recently came down to 4-month lows, in addition to a well-received quarterly earnings report this morning, we want to tag some PG options for potential daytrades and or intraweek swing trades. We had multiple landmark plays that fit the same description last week, and came away with chances for multibag gains in almost every instance.

To attempt to do the same thing this week, we’re going to look to the PG Weekly $85.50-88 Calls, which should see some nice activity if the action unfolds the way it appears it might. We’ll be looking for a gap-and-go setup to facilitate that.

Cannabis Watchlist:

The “Green Rush” continues… Aside from the three above-mentioned cannabis plays we want to continue to keep the top traded pot stocks on watch for further gains. The momentum in the sector as a whole, as we’ve cautioned readers, has continued in a big way.

TRTC, HEMP, OWCP, PHOT, MCOA, ERBB are among some of the headliners in that regard, but by no means the only marijuana related stocks that are set to explode leading up to and following election day, whereupon recreational consumption will most likely become legal in the state of California.

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