Friday Recap, News Alert, Fresh Options Ideas

A Very Fine Friday:

We fared quite well for Friday’s session, with all of the ideas that we formulated for our premarket report. exhibiting impressive intraday upswings for traders to take advantage of, ending what had been a very solid short trading week on a high note.

Our winning targets for the session were the TSLA Weekly $250-255 Calls, the MARA Weekly $20.50-20 Puts, and the SPY 07/05 $551-552 Calls. These were the intraday runs they registered:

TSLA Weekly $250-255 Calls
 .20-1.86 (+830%)
$252.50: .08-.58 (+625%)
$255: .03-.19 (+533%)

MARA Weekly $20.50-20 Puts
 .57-1.10 (+93%)
$20: .31-.65 (+110%)

SPY 07/05 $551-552 Calls
 1.08-4.04 (+274%)
$552: .61-3.08 (+405%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
GBX 07/19 $45 Puts
PBF 07/19 $43-44 Calls
INTC Weekly $32-33 Calls

Cannabis Bioscience International Holdings, Inc. (OTCMKTS:CBIH) – News Update:

We’re circling back to CBIH once again this morning, as the company has released another fresh PR to kick off the week. The company wished to elaborate on its plans for the future, and the letters from CBIH officials contain much to that effect. It’s definitely worth a read via the link below.

HOUSTON, July 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Since the start of the year, Cannabis Bioscience International Holdings (OTCMKTS: CBIH) has embarked on a transformative journey involving merger opportunities, patent registrations, and company valuation. As we transition into the second half of the year, we aim to address and clarify certain aspects from our previous communications. (>>View Full PR)

For more information on CBIH, please visit
and/or contact Peter Nicosia at (585) 703-6565 with any inquiries.

Extended Watchlist: 

Options Review, 3 Potential Friday Plays

Wednesday’s Options Recap:

Yesterday morning, we formulated a group of three potential plays for our premarket report. Only one was an earnings play, but we still dug up a couple of other possibilities and of those, TSLA produced intraday gains of a significant nature, despite just the half day of trading. Although they didn’t exhibit much movement, we’ll still keep the longer term AZEK $40 Calls on the back burner for now and continue to monitor them over the next couple of weeks.

As for the STZ Weekly $262.50-267.50 Calls and the TSLA Weekly $235-240 Calls from yesterday’s report, we did see opportunities in some really fantastic upswings they recorded on the day, and TSLA did so well we’ll go ahead and roll up our potential strike prices today:

STZ Weekly $262.50-267.50 Calls
$262.50: .65-2.45 (+277%)
$265: .20-1.25(+525%)
$267.50: .14-.54 (+286%)


TSLA Weekly $235-240 Calls
$235: 3.01-14.22 (+372%)
$237.50: 2.50-12.15 (+386%)
$240: 1.68-10.23 (+509%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
TSLA Weekly $250-255 Calls*
MARA Weekly $20.50-20 Puts*
SPY 07/05 $551-552 Calls*

*Trading options contracts on their day of expiration should only be attempted by experienced day traders

Extended Watchlist: 

Friday’s 5000-Percenter, 4 New Ideas

FIFTY-Bagger on Friday:

Our options performance on Friday was pretty good, with four out of the five possible targets we designated in our premarket report for the day registering some nice gains. In one case, we even saw an astonishing (and exceedingly rare) gainer of over 5000%!

That amazing run came from the GCT Weekly $40 Calls, and the other runners for the session were the ADBE Weekly $510-500 Puts, the COIN Weekly $227.50-222.50 Puts, and the MARA Weekly $18.50-18 Puts. Here were the intraday figures on all those plays:

GCT Weekly $40 Calls
: .10-5.51 (+5410%)

ADBE Weekly $510-500 Puts
$510: 9.69-25.60 (+164%)
$505: 6.60-20.00 (+203%)
$500: 3.82-15.10 (+295%)

COIN Weekly $227.50-222.50 Puts
: .16-.45 (+181%)
$225:.12-.27 (+125%)
$222.50: .08-.19 (+137%)

MARA Weekly $18.50-18 Puts
$18.50: .10-.22 (+120%)
$18: .03-.09 (+200%)

Fresh Options Ideas:

Today we’ve got a pair of quick strike targets for immediate possible action, as well as a pair of longer-term plays with an April expiration that could make for interesting swing trade opportunities in the days and weeks ahead.

SPY 03/18 $512-513 Calls*
TSLA Weekly $167.50-170 Calls
SAIC 04/19 $135-130 Puts
ERJ 04/19 $25 Calls

*Only experienced traders should attempt to trade options contracts on their day of expiration

Extended Watchlist: