Four for Four on Options Plays, Fresh Ideas

Another Sweeping Options Success: 

It was just yesterday morning that we were patting ourselves on the back for another 100% green set of daily options ideas in Tuesday’s report, with three winning alerts. We upped the ante yesterday with a rare 4-pack of quick-strike options plays, and it may not surprise our regular readers that we hit on four out of four!

The targets we had designated were the AMD Weekly $92.50-93.50 Calls, the MSFT Weekly $287.50-292.50 Calls, the BA Weekly $230-235 Calls, and the SBUX Weekly $124-122 Puts. It was a nice mix of the morning’s earnings reporters that we felt looked the most attractive in the premarket. None of these sets of contracts let us down, but by far, AMD was the play of the day, with all three of our targets producing intraday moves of well over a thousand percent!

Here’s the rundown of all the fantastic chances that presented themselves to members of our community:

AMD Weekly $92.50-93.50 Calls
$92.50: .50-6.30 (+1160%)
$93: .39-5.80 (+1387%)
$93.50: .34-5.30 (+1459%)

MSFT Weekly $287.50-292.50 Calls
$287.50: 1.06-3.80 (+258%)
$290: .52-2.09 (+302%)
$292.50: .25-1.12 (+348%)

BA Weekly $230-235 Calls
$230: 3.89-6.60 (+70%)
$232.50: 2.65-4.86 (+83%)
$235: 1.78-3.32 (+87%)

SBUX Weekly $124-122 Puts
$124: 1.44-2.26 (+57%)
$123: .85-1.50 (+76%)
$122: .47-.88 (+87%)

Today’s Fresh Options Ideas:
AZN Weekly $57-58 Calls
MA Weekly $385-390 Calls
QCOM Weekly $144-146 Calls 

Extended Watchlist:

Tech Options Post Major Gains & More

Options Review – Tech Plays Pop Off:

Our offering of fresh options trading ideas in yesterday morning’s premarket report consisted of a trio of tech giant earnings reporters. We were looking at the FB Weekly $325-332.50 Calls, the AAPL Weekly $135-138 Calls, and the QCOM Weekly $142-145 Calls. 

We saw considerable activity across the board, which yielded plenty of opportunities to bag intraday profits. As our regular readers understand by now, we enjoy the instant volatility created by earnings reports, and the large tech companies which beat expectations with surprisingly regularity are some of the choicest targets in that regard.

Here are the very respectable daily advances made by those plays, which could have been seized upon by anyone who caught our report:  

FB Weekly $325-332.50 Calls
 1.83-6.67 (+264%)
$327.50: 1.04-4.68 (+350%)
$330: .55-2.97 (+440%)
$332.50: .28-1.72 (+514%)

AAPL Weekly $135-138 Calls
 .30-.73 (+143%)
$136: .16-.40 (+150%)
$137: .10-.20 (+100%)
$138: .06-.11 (+83%)

QCOM Weekly $142-145 Calls 

$142: .87-1.49 (+71%)
$143: .58-.97 (+67%)
$144: .41-.60 (+46%)
$145: .26-.39 (+60%)

More Fresh Options Ideas: 
CL Weekly $80-81.50 Calls*
AZN Weekly $52-53.50 Calls*
ABBV Weekly $110-113 Calls* 

*Please do not attempt to trade options with a weekly expiration on Friday unless you are an advanced level trader with access to disposable funds.

Biotech Products Services and Research, Inc. BPSR – Recap:

Following a large increase in volume and PPS on Wednesday, we included BPSR in yesterday’s watchlist. Readers could have secured intraday profits of up to % as the stock ran from .36-.63, Following initial alert on this play on March 24th, BPSR has incredibly traded in a range from a low of .046 to yesterday’s new high, which represents an overall increase of 1269%

Extended Watchlist:

Another Awesome Trading Week

Fantastic Week Closes with a Bang: 

We have been rolling along this week with some really great ideas as usual, with most of everything we’ve highlighted providing some type of trading opportunity. Yesterday morning’s report offered no exception to that trend, with two out our three tracked options plays yielding impressive intraday performances.

Our targets were long on PYPL and short on QCOM, and in both cases, we witnessed multibag intraday runs. The ranges and total possible gains for the day were as follows:

PYPL Weekly $260-267.50 Calls
 3.80-10.78 (+184%)
$262.50: 2.51-8.35 (+232%)
$265: 1.70-6.10 (+259%)
$267.50: 1.11-4.26 (+284%)

QCOM Weekly $155-150 Puts
 4.55-9.72 (+114%)
$152.50: 2.98-7.56 (+154%)
$150: 1.64-5.25 (+220%)

Fresh Options Ideas*:
PINS Weekly $80-85 Calls
ATVI Weekly $99-102 Calls
PTON Weekly $148-150 Calls 

*Please don’t attempt to trade options with a weekly expiration on a Friday unless you are an advanced level trader with access to disposable funds! 

Alternet Systems, Inc. ALYI

It has been nearly a month that we’ve been pounding the table on ALYI, with the stock appearing in our daily reports five times since January 7th. On that day, it was trading for as little as .0152, and it never looked back.

We’ve seen it tack on added gains for most of the past three-plus weeks, and yesterday it attained a new high of .0871. That marks an overall upswing of 473% in less than a month’s time.

Extended Watchlist: