Week of Wild Gains Continues, 4 New Ideas

Reviewing a Great Start to Our Week:

There was a lot going on for yesterday morning’s premarket report. Not only did we have our typical fresh ideas for the day, but we mentioned how we Monday’s plays on the GME and AMC chains to tack on some impressive new highs, and that played out just as we foretold. To sweeten the pot, our fresh targets for the session also all produced good intraday runs to take advantage of, two of which were simply roll-ups in the above mentioned plays.

So below, we’re posting the absolutely massive two session swings from Monday’s GME and AMC calls (GME Weekly $22.50-24 Calls & AMC Weekly $3.00-3.50 Calls), along with the single session performance of yesterday’s roll-ups (GME Weekly $65 Calls & AMC Weekly $8-10 Calls), and finishing out with the other two fresh ideas from yesterday’s report, the ONON Weekly $33-34 Calls and the BABA Weekly $82-81 Puts. All in all it’s been an awesome start to the trading week, with these enormous runners posting numbers like this:

GME Weekly $22.50-24 Calls
 .93-38.52 (+4042%)
$23: .81-38.07 (+4600%)
$24: .79-36.38 (+4505%)

GME Weekly $65 Calls
 4.19-9.20 (+120%)

AMC Weekly $3.00-3.50 Calls
 .19-8.40 (+4321%)
$3.50: .10-8.00 (+7900%)

AMC Weekly $8-10 Calls
$8: .74-2.09 (+182%)
$8.50: .81-2.00 (+147%)
$9: .75-1.95 (+160%)
$9.50: .69-1.87 (+171%)
$10: .69-1.73 (+151%)

ONON Weekly $33-34 Calls
 .85-4.09 (+381%)
 .75-3.90 (+420%)
$34: .58-3.30 (+469%)

BABA Weekly $82-81 Puts
$82: 1.54-4.39 (+185%)
$81: 1.16-3.50 (+202%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
DELL Weekly $137-138 Calls
SONY Weekly $82 Calls
NXT Weekly $50 Calls
MNDY Weekly $210-220 Calls

Extended Watchlist: 

Options Recaps, 4 Fresh Potential Plays

More Options Review:

We want to open up this morning by apologizing for any confusion pertaining to the SPY Calls in yesterday’s premarket report. We mistakenly listed our targets as the $424-425 instead of the $524-525 Calls, and didn’t catch our error until it was too late. We don’t often make mistakes, but we’re quit to point it out when we do. As a result we have just a couple of yesterday’s targets to report back on, but we’ve also got some updates on previous longer-term plays that have tacked on some new highs this week.

Yesterday’s movers were the BOIL Weekly $13.50-14.50 Calls, and the SGML 04/19 $13-14 Calls. The CAR 04/05 $118-120 Calls, and the DELL 04/05 $114-116 Calls, we alerted on last Monday, and we’ll include the updated figures for those excellent week-over-week runners as well:

BOIL Weekly $13.50-14.50 Calls
: .81-1.22 (+51%)
$14: .55-.90 (+64%)
$14.50: .37-.65 (+76%)

SGML 04/19 $13-14 Calls
: 1.25-1.80 (+44%)
$14: .80-1.30 (+62%)

CAR 04/05 $118-120 Calls
: 3.20-8.32 (+191%)
$119: 3.10-5.10 (+64%)
$120: 2.69-5.60 (+108%)

DELL 04/05 $114-116 Calls
: 2.15-6.00 (+179%)
$115: .60-5.00 (+733%)
$116: 1.80-4.00 (+122%)

Fresh Options Ideas:

We’ve got some potential earnings plays in PVH and PAYX this morning, as well as a couple of longer term recovery play possibilities with SNOW, whose CEO recently snapped up $5M at the bottom, and IRON, which tanked dramatically on some unfavorable news.

PVH 04/19 $110-105 Puts
PAYX 04/19 $120-115 Puts
SNOW 05/10 $175-180 Calls
IRON 05/17 $40-45 Calls

Extended Watchlist:

Good Start to the Week, 3 New Ideas

Recapping Monday’s Runners:

We opened up this short trading week yesterday in solid fashion, offering up a slate of four potential options trading ideas in our premarket report for the day. It continues the momentum we had built up going into this past weekend, and sets us on a course for an excellent four-day week of possibilities. We’ve been just a little light on big name earnings reporters to base our daily ideas from, but we’re still managing quite well.

Yesterday’s list of targets was comprised of the CAR 04/05 $118-120 Calls, the COIN Weekly $260-265 Calls, the DELL 04/05 $114-116 Calls, and the INTC Weekly $41.50-40.50 Puts. As you can see below, they afforded us some pretty good opportunities on the day.

CAR 04/05 $118-120 Calls
: 3.20-4.52 (+41%)
$119: 3.10-4.00 (+29%)
$120: 2.69-3.70 (+38%)

COIN Weekly $260-265 Calls
: 10.95-26.38 (+141%)
$262.50: 10.05-23.80 (+137%)
$265: 8.70-22.60 (+160%)

DELL 04/05 $114-116 Calls
: 2.15-3.40 (+58%)
$115: .60-2.95 (+392%)
$116: 1.80-2.43 (+35%)

INTC Weekly $41.50-40.50 Puts
: .27-.39 (+44%)
$41: .15-.23 (+53%)
$40.50: .10-.15 (+50%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
TSLA Weekly $177.50-180 Calls*
MKC 04/19 $75 Calls
DNUT 04/19 $15 Calls

*Due to Friday’s holiday, ‘weekly’ contracts will expire at market close on Thursday

Extended Watchlist: