Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Options Updates, Fresh Ideas

Best Buy Co. Inc. BBY – Options Update

We signaled a range of BBY options yesterday after noticing a hefty earnings beat that was driving the stock to gap up significantly in the premarket.

The bullish trend continued throughout the day, as BBY stock traded in a range from 37.66-39.36. That facilitated some big-time single-session gain opportunities for our specified targets, which were the BBY Weekly 36.50-39 Calls.

It wouldn’t have mattered which set of contracts in the highlighted range were selected, as every single one put up a standout performance, yielding the following potential gains:

$36.50 Calls – Range:  1.43-2.53 – Max Gain: 77%
$37 Calls – Range: 1.10-2.32 – Max Gain: 111%
$37.50 Calls – Range: .77-2.78 – Max Gain: 261%
$38 Calls – Range: .53-1.52 – Max Gain: 187%
$38.50 Calls – Range: .32-2.23 – Max Gain: 597%
$39 Calls – Range: .20-.80 – Max Gain: 300%

For us to remain interested in continuing to track these ideas, we’ll need to see BBY maintain support above the 37.50-mark on any pullbacks.

World Poker Fund Holdings, Inc. WPFH

We also tagged WPFH in yesterday morning’s premarket report, and while it didn’t produce a monster move like the aforementioned options plays, it did manage to make a notable increase on the day.

From a low of .53, the stock traded up to .70, marking an intraday move of 32% We’re going to want to continue to keep an eye on this play as it continues to make headway off of its recent bottom.

Dominovas Energy Corp. DNRG

Speaking of stocks where we’ve caught a bottom, we want to comment quickly on the progress of DNRG, a stock which has appeared in our reports on multiple occasions.

Our most recent mention of this play was earlier this month, following which time we observed a low of .0015. Yesterday the stock attained a new high of .0055, representing an increase of 267% in just a few weeks’ time.

Vista Outdoor, Inc. VSTO – Fresh Options Idea

VSTO is an interesting candidate for a forthcoming recovery, and we want to be waiting in the wings for that possibility. Despite a recent earnings miss a few weeks back, coupled with an analyst downgrade, the company’s long-term figures show a slow but steady growth in key areas.

The chart itself is egregiously oversold, with this most recent selloff lasting through the past ten sessions. Whenever we see a stock with solid fundamentals getting abused like this, our bottom-feeding alarms begin to sound.

We’re going to watch this play closely in the weeks ahead, along with a pair of extended-term contracts in its options chain, specifically, the VSTO 10/21 $35 and $40 Calls. A recovery of any significance should produce some interesting activity in those plays.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: GEO Options on a Roll & More

The GEO Group, Inc. – Options Review

GEO has earned itself top billing in our report for the second day running, as the stock continued its rebound yesterday, reaching new highs, and pushing our options ideas deeper into the money. Despite multi-bag gains on Friday, we reasserted our interest in continuing to follow them, and it was definitely the right move.

The GEO 09/16 $20 and 22.50 Calls were the targets we introduced on Friday morning, and our observed gains were extended by a healthy margin yesterday as GEO rose to a high of $25 even during the session.

The $20 Calls traded in a range from 4.00 up to 5.12, an intraday swing of 28% and an total two-day increase over our observed low of 1.61 amounting to 211%

The $22.50 Calls traded up from 2.25 to 3.05 running 36% intraday, and representing an overall increase of 251% from Friday’s low of .87.

As we stated yesterday, these ideas should remain good for as long as GEO sustains this strong rebound pattern.

Best Buy Co. Inc. BBY – Fresh Idea

BBY is flying high in the premarket this morning in the wake of its earnings release which contained a major increase in same-store sales for the quarter.

With the type of activity we’re witnessing early on this morning, we’re going to want to signal a range of options calls to observe here as well. Our specific contracts of interest are going to be the BBY Weekly 36.50-39 Calls, which will hold our interest provided that BBY maintains support in the low $36-range on any pullbacks.

First Acceptance Corp. FAC – Bottom-Watch

We’re going to take this opportunity to declare a bottom-watch for FAC, which is currently feeling out its lowest prices in a month after peeling back off of a massive run in late July.

On the chart below, we’ve highlighted the channel between recent swing lows at 1.01 and 1.15 as the area where we’d like to see a bottom-bounce occur, and we’ll have FAC on our radars in the days ahead for the possibility of that occurring.

Extended Watchlist:
DATA, WPFH, STML, TGD, HEB, BCCI(Potential Bottom)

BBY Options & Extended Watchlist

Best Buy Co, Inc. BBY
Yesterday morning, we mentioned that we would be “monitoring the in-the-money Calls on BBY… with a strike price at $33.50 and below.” It turned out to be a good decision, as the $33.50 08/23 BBY Calls ran hard out of the gate, only to dip to a low of .50 before an afternoon increase to a new high of 1.44, and settling in to close just a few ticks below at 1.42.

Yesterday was proof-positive that strong earnings reports like the one BBY released on Monday are often conducive to generating chances for sizable options-trading gains. The move marked the opportunity for intraday gains of up to 188%

Earnings-release season is winding down for now, but given all of the success we’ve had in situations like the one that presented itself here, we’re sure to be ready and waiting to take full advantage once the next season begins in a few months’ time.

Wild Craze, Inc.  WILD
The inevitable end to the recent spike for WILD came yesterday, as the stock tanked back to a low of .32, however, opportunity presented itself once again in the form of a bounce back to .a high of .594.

Our original mention of the stock yielded a possible gain 63% as we saw it move from .35 to .57.  Then yesterday’s bounce added a chance at another 52% on top of that, bringing our cumulative gains on WILD so far to as much as 115%  In the event we see another pullback, we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for similar bounce-action to follow.

Extended Watchlist:
EWSI, SGOC, OINK, VELT(Gapping down to all time lows keep on watch for a potential bounce)