RMDT, RAYS, FBCD, JVA – Today’s Hot Stocks

RMD Technologies, Inc. RMDT

We heard a lot about RMDT over the weekend, so we thought we’d mention it as a momentum play this morning. This stock made a nice move last week, and we like stocks in the half-penny range for just that; their ability to rack up quick gains.

At present, the RSI is in the powerzone, and a breakout could indeed be underway.
This is an interesting company operating in a field that we generally don’t hear much about; electronics recycling. They also have an all electric vehicle made from mostly recycled materials. Their website is worth checking out.

Raystream Inc. RAYS

RAYS figures to continue its momentum from last week, closing at a 1.58. From our original alert price of 1.34, the stock maintained a 15% increase. The stock is now just a week old, but already, due to heavy promotions, Raystream is now a name that is on everyone’s lips. We ought mention that we are not one of the groups running paid promotion on RAYS, but we are one of the first groups to mention it, seeing the weight behind its promotion budget, as well as a fine product.

One could say it’s rare to have such a new stock hold so much promise, but the ramifications of streaming video data speeds of up to 90% faster than current standards, are far reaching indeed. It is going to be awfully interesting to see how the company fares in its attempts to introduce this technology to the mainstream.

The company filed its 10-Q quarterly report this morning


FBC Holding, Inc. FBCD

FBCD has been shaping up nicely after our bottom call just over a week ago.  After rising 70% for us, the chart is pulling back slightly and seems to be preparing for another bounce.

These recent gains represent only a scratch of the surface compared to some of the gains that FBCD has provided in the past, which is why we always like to watch this stock closely. It has the ability for monstrous gains, as proven back in May, running over 600%.

Coffee Holding Co., Inc. JVA

JVA has been in the green for five out of the six days that we have covered it. We jumped on the JVA bandwagon at 8.35, and enjoyed 77% in gains as the stock hit 14.77 on Wednesday.

This stock trades fairly predictably. We like the ability of the stock to provide these short term gains, however, we are also excited about its potential value for the long term.

Remember, this was a $20+ stock just a couple of months ago, and a return to that level is not out of the realm of possibility.

LLTP, RAYS, FBCD, JVA – Today’s Hot Stocks

Lightlake Therapeutics LLTP

We are hearing a lot of exciting chatter on LLTP, a biopharma stock that is new to our newsletter today.

There is an interesting story behind this company; they have chemically developed a way to combat addictive disorders such as chronic drug/alcohol abuse, obesity due to binge eating, and just about any other malady that is driven by addiction. The company claims that their compound works upon the chemical connections in the brain that cause habitual destructive behavior.

Dr. David Sinclair, Chief Science Officer for Lightlake Therapeutics said: “Most human behavior is driven by a system of reinforcement controlled by powerful brain chemicals. We have learned how to regulate these chemicals using an active compound that is extremely safe and effective, so that bad habits are progressively extinguished, and good ones promoted.”


Raystream Inc. RAYS

RAYS did fairly well in its first week of trading following our first call Monday afternoon. On Tuesday it went from a low of 1.36, to yesterday, touching 1.70, for a 25% gain.

The company put news out yesterday announcing a connection with their very first client, that will serve as a testing-ground of sorts for their video data compression services.

DALLAS, Oct 13, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Raystream Inc. (OTC BB: RAYS.OB), an emerging global provider of HD online video services, today announced it has signed its first customer contract with edgefactory OMNIMEDIA for a variable use license of the Raystream Compression Service. The one-year license agreement represents the genesis of Raystream’s technology-forward service matched with edgefactory’s cutting-edge business production services.

“We are pleased to announce our first customer contract, negotiated through Raystream’s Orlando office by BDM Didier Nicholas,” said Michael Seay, Raystream’s Vice President of Sales and Strategic Implementation. “A global corporate and convention video production provider, edgefactory OMNIMEDIA serves as our first strategic partnership that will test new revenue opportunities in live broadcast streaming compression.”

Raystream is launching its proprietary online video compression technology with edgefactory as its inaugural client.


FBC Holding, Inc. FBCD

We have been covering FBCD for some time. We re-alerted the stock recently at a penny, and it subsequently ran 71%, hitting a high of .0171.

On Wednesday, the stock found support just over a 50% retrace at .013, and we are looking to hold this support, and retest this week’s high of .0171.

This stock is a prime candidate for flippers, as it likes to dip and surge with great regularity.

It’s been awhile since the last company update, so we are anticipating forthcoming news at any time.

Coffee Holding Co., Inc. JVA

JVA has proven to be another short-term success for us, rising steadily over the past week. We also believe that it has a significant long-term upside. We saw another bounce yesterday, to the tune of 9%

We were fortunate enough to come across this play at a nice bottom, so far, in a little over a week we have already seen 56% in gains.

As far as what we have observed about the trading patterns: The stock likes to gap up, then consolidate, offering a dip before finishing strong to close near the high of day.

JVA, DWIS – Today’s Hot Stocks

Coffee Holding Co. Inc. JVA

After alerting JVA for the first time last Friday, we have seen an incredible move upward from Friday’s low of 8.35, on up to yesterday’s high of 14.77- a gain of 77%, and trading more than 3.5 million shares, its highest volume in nearly three months.

We found this stock at a prime bottom location, and were able to time the impending swing nicely. Considering our main focus is rooted in the penny markets, we were able to predict the movements of this NASDAQ listed stock to a ‘T’.

Heading in to yesterday’s close, JVA dipped back to 11.95, presumably from the taking of profits after a nice run, as is expected. It looks like this is a new level of support, so we should be lookout for the next upturn at any time.

Americans consume more than 140 Billion cups of coffee per year, with coffee shops comprising the fastest growing section of the restaurant business. It is very safe to say that these facts are going to hold true for the foreseeable future. It is that notion that makes us feel safe with regard to putting money into Coffee.

This company was established in 1972, and Andrew Gordon, President, CEO, and CFO of Coffee Holding, and David Gordon, Executive Vice President-Operations, have worked with Coffee Holding for 22 and 24 years, respectively. It is this kind of long term stability that only increases our comfort with the stock.

Dinewise, Inc. DWIS

Our apologies for sending two alerts in rapid succession, but we did not want anyone to miss out on DWIS’s fresh PR out this morning. The news is related to an exclusive partnership with a home-based health services company in Virtual Health. Dinewise’s all natural, pre-prepared meals are a perfect diet solution for the elderly living in Independent and Assisted Living communities.

DineWise Announces Health and Wellness at Home Partnership

FARMINGDALE, N.Y., Oct 13, 2011 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) — DineWise, Inc. (Pink Sheets:DWIS) (the “Company”), a national leader in the home meal delivery industry, announced a partnership with Virtual Health, a solutions integrator that delivers home-based services, enabling consumers to stay at home receiving care, while offering peace of mind to their families and caregivers.

“We are delighted to have been chosen by Virtual Health as their exclusive meal provider. DineWise and Virtual Health share core principles and similar service models, by assisting temporarily or permanently homebound consumers and their healthcare providers improve their health and wellness at home, as well as offering peace of mind to families and care givers,” said Paul Roman, President and CEO of DineWise.

“We are proud to begin the nationwide roll-out of Virtual Health, starting with a series of Independent Living services targeted for the overwhelming majority of seniors that want to remain at home, and extend a helping hand for the sandwich-generation care givers,” said Alex Go, Chief Executive Officer of Virtual Health. “As an enabler of a physician’s plan of care, we have partnered with national technology, health and daily living service providers to make it easy for mature adults to live their life as they choose in their own home.”