SPY Calls Run as Markets Reach New Highs

Solid SPY Returns:

Our fresh quick strike options play to start off the week targeted SPY Weekly $401-403 Calls, in yesterday morning’s report. For newer readers who may not yet be aware, we often use the SPY (SPDR S&P 500 ETF) as a market analog for intraday swing trades. Yesterday, the markets got off to a hot start and didn’t let up much throughout the course of the day, with the NASDAQ and the S&P hitting new record highs. .

The bullish session provided our SPY targets with the impetus to record the following intraday moves and total potential gains:  

SPY Weekly $401-403 Calls
$401: 2.12-5.93 (+180%)
$402: 1.59-4.95 (+211%)
$403: .92-3.98 (+333%)

Fresh Options Idea:
ACAD 06/18 $24-26 Calls 

Investview, Inc. INVU – Recap:

We last mentioned INVU in our morning report from a week ago today as a chatroom play from our Veteran Trading premium service. Since that time, we’ve witnessed a run from .315-.596 for an increase of 89% Our premium members had the chance to get in as low as .255 as you can see at the link above. That works out to a total upswing of 134%

We encourage any of our readers who may be interested in exactly how we formulate our daily trading ideas, and interested in learning to do so themselves, to contact us about subscribing to Veteran Trading. Click here to email us your contact information, and we’ll take care of the rest!

Extended Watchlist: 

Fresh Options Trio & More

Kodiak Sciences, Inc. KOD 

To kick off the trading week on Monday, we included a mention of KOD in Monday’s premarket extended watchlist. On Tuesday morning, we updated reader on the amazing run the stock made from 35.00 to a high of 72.97 (+108%).

Yesterday’s session saw a pullback from those highs followed by another highly impressive intraday swing. The stock traded in a range from a low of 53.00 to a subsequent new high of 74.50. That’s another huge daily upswing to the tune of 41% and a total increase over Monday’s low of 113%

Workday Inc. WDAY –  Options Update

We had highlighted some WDAY Puts in yesterday’s premarket report, the WDAY Weekly $167.50-165 Puts, and despite the stock closing in the green, it had some trouble early on that led to some nice multi-bag gain opportunities.

The $167.50 Puts ran from a low of 2.25 and reached 5.93 for a gain of 164%, while the $165’s traded in a range from 1.50-4.10, an upswing of 173%

Fresh Options Ideas:
DG Weekly $155-160 Calls
FIVE Weekly $124-126 Calls 

HHC 01/17 $120-125 Calls

Extended Watchlist: 

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: SGSI News Alert

Spectrum Global Solutions, Inc. SGSI – Update

In our initial report on SGSI, one of the things we commented on liking most about SGSI is the rapidity with which the company has been pulling down new clients and growing its business in 2018. This morning, we’re going to start things off by relaying a new PR to that effect on to our readers.

(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Spectrum Global Solutions, Inc. (OTC:SGSI) (the “Company”), a single-source provider of end-to-end next-generation wireless and wireline network services and staffing solutions to the service provider (carrier) and corporate enterprise markets, today announces that it has received over $500,000 in new contract awards to support carrier network upgrades across the United States. (>>View Full PR)

Did you miss our special report on SGSI last Monday? Check it out now at the following link:

>>View SGSI Report<<

Fresh Options Ideas:

Those readers who are familiar with our mode of operation know that a good post-earnings options play is something we’re always on the lookout for, and we’ve got a couple of those for you this morning. It has been a crowded 24-hours of earnings releases and the two that are sticking out to us this morning are Dick’s Sporting Goods (Bull) and Tiffany’s (Bear).

We’ll submit a set of ideas for each of these chains to track into the end of the week:

Dick’s Sporting Goods, Inc. DKS Weekly $36-38 Calls
Tiffany & Co. TIF Weekly $95-92 Puts

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: NBEV Update & More

New Age Beverages Corp. NBEV

The performance of NBEV has been absolutely incredible this week, and we’ve been sticking with it the whole way. We were just mentioning yesterday morning how the stock set its all time single session record move on Wednesday, and yesterday set another new all time high for the second day in a row!

NBEV traded in a range from 5.27 to 7.85 (+49%) which also marked a total rise of 423% over our observed low of 1.50 following our initial alert on the 4th of this month. In post-market trading activity, the stock actually reached 10.34, which extends that figure to a gain of 589% in a matter of just twelve trading days!

With NBEV firmly in Blue Sky territory, there’s no telling where this ride will let off, but in and of itself, the performance exhibited by this play in recent weeks has been nothing short of amazing.

Altimmune, Inc. ALT

Speaking of September 4th, that was also the morning that we tagged ALT for observation, and despit a very slow start to the month, this stock has absolutely exploded this week as well, even more so than NBEV.

ALT has traded in an absolutely mammoth intraweek range from a low of 4.27 to yesterday’s new high of 36.25. That’s an upswing amounting to 749% The fact that we’ve routinely come up with big board plays that blow their lids shows that while we’ve come a long way from the days of our focusing solely on penny stocks, we are still more than capable of identifying movers on the upper exchanges that are just as impressive!

SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) – Recap 

Our fresh options trading idea for the SPY yesterday also bore fruit- after we signaled the SPY Weekly $291.50-292.50 Calls, all three contracts produced significant chances for traders to net a solid intraday profit.

We’ve traditionally been very good at playing the SPY options chain and this time was no different. The total possible intraday gains were:

$91 Calls – Range: .95-2.40 – Max Gain: 153%
$92 Calls – Range: .71-1.92 – Max Gain: 170%
$93 Calls – Range: .46-1.42 – Max Gain: 209%

Fresh Options Idea:
Micron Technology, Inc. MU Weekly $43-45 Calls*

*Do NOT attempt to trade weekly options on Friday’s unless you are an expert level trader with disposable funds.

Extended Watchlist: 

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: SAGD Review & More

South American Gold Corp. SAGD
(soon to be Sativa Growth International)

On the morning of last Thursday the 21st, we signaled our interest in tracking SAGD, and at the time the stock was trading as low as .0135. In the week of trading which has followed, the stock has made a very nice move.

Yesterday, SAGD hit a new high of .0364 which represents a one-week upswing of 170% and continues our recent impressive trend of identifying not only hot options plays, but scoring big with stocks as well.

We should also mention that the company announced its plans to change its name and official focus to reflect the work it has been doing to move toward the cannabis space.(>>Read PR) It’s one of our favorite OTC market sectors, and we’ll be tracking SAGD as part of it moving forward.

Accenture plc. ACN – Recap

Speaking of success in options ideas, our fresh play from yesterday morning’s premarket report yielded fantastic single-session results. We designated the ACN Weekly $157.50-162.50 Calls as our go-to options play for the day and all three of the contracts contained in our highlighted range were big-time winners on the day.

$157.50 Calls – Range: 2.36-7.41 – Max Gain: 214%
$160 Calls – Range: 1.24-5.60 – Max Gain: 352%
$162.50 Calls – Range: .50-3.10 – Max Gain: 520%

Fresh Options Ideas:
Nike Inc. – NKE Weekly $77-79 Calls
SPDRA S&P 500 ETF – SPY Weekly $270-272 Calls

Extended Watchlist:
IQ, BAC, VRTX, ACAD, DERM, PIR(bottom-watch)

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