Solid SPY Returns:
Our fresh quick strike options play to start off the week targeted SPY Weekly $401-403 Calls, in yesterday morning’s report. For newer readers who may not yet be aware, we often use the SPY (SPDR S&P 500 ETF) as a market analog for intraday swing trades. Yesterday, the markets got off to a hot start and didn’t let up much throughout the course of the day, with the NASDAQ and the S&P hitting new record highs. .
The bullish session provided our SPY targets with the impetus to record the following intraday moves and total potential gains:
SPY Weekly $401-403 Calls
$401: 2.12-5.93 (+180%)
$402: 1.59-4.95 (+211%)
$403: .92-3.98 (+333%)
Fresh Options Idea:
ACAD 06/18 $24-26 Calls
Investview, Inc. INVU – Recap:
We last mentioned INVU in our morning report from a week ago today as a chatroom play from our Veteran Trading premium service. Since that time, we’ve witnessed a run from .315-.596 for an increase of 89% Our premium members had the chance to get in as low as .255 as you can see at the link above. That works out to a total upswing of 134%
We encourage any of our readers who may be interested in exactly how we formulate our daily trading ideas, and interested in learning to do so themselves, to contact us about subscribing to Veteran Trading. Click here to email us your contact information, and we’ll take care of the rest!
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