SAEE, AZC, GOGO & Extended Watchlist

7 Star Entertainment, Inc.  SAEE

SAEE traded sideways yesterday, however we did see a significant amount of volume flow through the stock, to the tune of more than twice the three-month average.

The fact that SAEE didn’t lose any value, and maintained support above a penny is an encouraging sign. We are still on the lookout for further activity on this stock, because as we pointed out yesterday, the chart still looks favorable. A departure from the current holding pattern could certainly lead us to substantial realized gains.

As you can see on the chart below, SAEE is holding support above the 10 and 20DMA’s, and accumulation/distribution is as high as it’s ever been.  We also have an RSI that is registering just below the 50-line, so we’ll be watching for a breach there as well. A PPS break of resistance at .013-.014 could get it there.

All in all, we are still fairly confident in SAEE’s ability to make positive stride from its current level.

Augusta Resources Corp.  AZC

AZC hit our scanners this morning as a potential recovery play. Yesterday the stock tumbled more than 60% from its open just above 1.60, all the way down to the low .60’s. It appears as if we could witness a bounce off of that bottom today as the stock course-corrects following that sell-off.

The huge dip was catalyzed by the announcement that the US Environmental Protection Agency recommended the company’s application for a federal water permit be denied. That effectively puts the company’s plans to build out a copper mining facility on the scrap heap.

Still, whenever we see rapid losses of this magnitude, our thoughts always turn to reaping potential rewards off of the subsequent bounce.


We first began talking about GOGO on September 16th, after which time we witnessed an epic run from 14.79-31.55. Last week brought a consolidation and the stock reached a low of 24.24 earlier this week, where it found support just off of the 10DMA. Now that GOGO is headed back up, we will look for it to retest its recent highs.

Options Trading Idea:
On the options side of things, we are looking at GOGO’s 01/18 $30 Calls. They closed at 2.16 yesterday. Hypothetically, should GOGO break out to new highs by January, reaching 35.00, these Calls could be valued at upwards of $5.00 or better.

Extended Watchlist:

GOGO, NQ, GERN & Extended Watchlist

Gogo, Inc. GOGO

We’ve been pounding the table on GOGO for the past couple of months, and the stock had a great session following yesterday’s mention on the strength of their earnings release. From our initial alert price at 14.79, yesterday’s high of 24.85 represents a gain of 68% on roughly 6 times the 3mo average volume.

3rd Quarter Earnings Highlights


NQ Mobile, Inc. NQ

NQ also had a fruitful session to kick off the week yesterday, trading from a low of 11.55 up to 13.55, a 17% intraday gain.

The low following our first alert on NQ was 8.42; yesterday’s high represents an increase of 61%

Geron, Corp. GERN

GERN behaved as expected yesterday; if you recall, we were looking for the stock to reverse its downtrend, and it did find a bottom at 4.69. The resulting bounce pushed the price up 10% to 5.18, and the stock closed at 5.05.

Moving forward were looking for GERN to achieve higher lows, holding support above yesterday’s low of 4.69.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe: ACDU, GOGO, GERN, OXBT, NQ & More

Accredited Business Consolidators Corp. ACDU

We had included ACDU in Friday’s newsletter after noticing increased volume and building momentum in Thursday’s session. Opening strong and rallying out of the gate, the stock touched a high of .0093 before consolidating and retracing on a midday pullback. We observed as ACDU found support and bounced from .0061 back up to .0086 (+42%) and ended the day solidly at .0083.

Congrats to anyone who was able to take a quick profit from ACDU.

Gogo, Inc. GOGO

We’ve been monitoring GOGO pretty closely since Sept. 16th at which time the stock was trading at 14.79.  By Sept. 26th, we saw the stock hit a high of 19.80. Over roughly the next month, GOGO retraced back to 15.90 (10/24). This morning GOGO appears to be gapping up significantly, hitting a high of 22.30 premarket, so we’re definitely going to continue paying close attention to this stock.

Geron, Corp. GERN

After we mentioned GERN in Thurday’s report, we saw a good short opportunity as the stock fell from the high 7.70’s to below 6.00.

On Friday the stock opened in the 5.00-range, and continued its descent, trending down to the mid-4.00 range. As GERN has pulled back so drastically in a small amount of time, we are watching for the dust to settle, and poising ourselves for the potential rebound which could follow.

Oxygen Biotherapeutics, Inc. OXBT
NQ Mobile, Inc. NQ

OXBT made a move from a low of 1.46 to 11.40 for a 681% gain since we began following it near the end of October.

Roughly around the same period of time, we also starting watching NQ, at the time trading as low as 8.42, which would go on to hit a high of 15.85, an 88% gain.

Both of these stocks underwent big consolidations last week, and began to rebound toward the end of the week. As is often the case following major runs, large pullbacks, if properly timed can make for some excellent quick-strike opportunities to profit. Thus, we still have both of these on our radar.

From Friday’s Extended Watchlist:

Revolution Lighting Technologies, Inc. RVLT

RVLT traded as low as 2.88 on Friday before hitting a high of 3.54, a possible gain of  23%

SunEdison, Inc. SUNE

SUNE traded from a low of 11.00 to 12.75, a positive intraday move of 16%

Groupon, Inc. GRPN

GRPN traded in a range from 9.45-10.43, a 10% gain.

Peregrine Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PPHM

PPHM saw a 1.22 low and went on to close at its high-of-day at 1.30, for a modest 7% increase.

Extended Watchlist:
DROP (Coming off recent lows),TCPS, XCLL(Golden Cross), DSCO, FRO, NNVC, GURE, CLRX, ZLCS (Huge gap down, watching for possible rebound)