Tough Sledding for the Market, Related Ideas

The Home Depot, Inc. HD – Recap:

From our list of options ideas we were tracking yesterday, Home Depot was the primary trend-bucker of the day, as the markets in general had a tumultuous session, and appear to be headed for more of the same.

We were targeting the HD Weekly $322.50-327.50 Calls and they produced significant intraday gain opportunities shortly following the opening bell. Those trading ranges and potential profits were as follows:

HD Weekly $322.50-327.50 Calls
$322.50: 2.03-5.00 (+146%)
$325: 1.33-3.70 (+178%)
$327.50: .67-2.08 (+210%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
LOW Weekly $192.50-187.50 Puts
SPY 05/19 $409-407 Puts*
TGT Weekly $215-210 Puts 

*Please remember that trading options on their day of expiration should only be attempted by advanced level traders with access to disposable funds!  

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The three levels of service that we are currently offering and the associated monthly fees (which can easily be absorbed by a single hot trade) are as follows:

– $75: Access to our private Telegram channel where we will be posting real-time trade ideas

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Extended Watchlist:

SPY Calls Run as Markets Reach New Highs

Solid SPY Returns:

Our fresh quick strike options play to start off the week targeted SPY Weekly $401-403 Calls, in yesterday morning’s report. For newer readers who may not yet be aware, we often use the SPY (SPDR S&P 500 ETF) as a market analog for intraday swing trades. Yesterday, the markets got off to a hot start and didn’t let up much throughout the course of the day, with the NASDAQ and the S&P hitting new record highs. .

The bullish session provided our SPY targets with the impetus to record the following intraday moves and total potential gains:  

SPY Weekly $401-403 Calls
$401: 2.12-5.93 (+180%)
$402: 1.59-4.95 (+211%)
$403: .92-3.98 (+333%)

Fresh Options Idea:
ACAD 06/18 $24-26 Calls 

Investview, Inc. INVU – Recap:

We last mentioned INVU in our morning report from a week ago today as a chatroom play from our Veteran Trading premium service. Since that time, we’ve witnessed a run from .315-.596 for an increase of 89% Our premium members had the chance to get in as low as .255 as you can see at the link above. That works out to a total upswing of 134%

We encourage any of our readers who may be interested in exactly how we formulate our daily trading ideas, and interested in learning to do so themselves, to contact us about subscribing to Veteran Trading. Click here to email us your contact information, and we’ll take care of the rest!

Extended Watchlist: 

Wrapping Up Another Strong Trading Week

Snowflake Inc. SNOW – Options Review

In yesterday morning’s premarket report, there was a clear standout among our options ideas of the day. We had tagged the SNOW Weekly $247.50-250 Calls for observation following the company’s earnings drop. It was a release with mixed results, but that didn’t stop traders from pushing the stock as high as 279.45 on the session.

SNOW’s intraday move facilitated some fantastic numbers in our designated targets. The total possible gains were in the eight-bagger range, and were as follows: 

SNOW Weekly $247.50-250 Calls 
$247.50: 3.40-32.64 (+860%)
$250: 3.07-29.39 (+857%)

Fresh Options Ideas*:
COST Weekly $320-315 Puts
AVGO Weekly $445-447.50 Calls
GPS Weekly $25.50-26.50 Calls
SPY Weekly $379-380 Calls 

*Please do not attempt to trade options with a weekly expiration on Friday unless you are an advanced level trader with access to disposable funds! 

For The Earth Corp. FTEG 

FTEG is a CBD play traded on the OTC that we tagged in yesterday morning’s extended watchlist, after noticing two of the company’s overdue reports were filed for the previous two quarters. FTEG is currently working toward coming current, and that represents progress toward that end, so that’s something we’re going to want to keep an eye on.

Whenever a defunct OTC stock goes current, the attention it brings can often drive some serious moves. We’ve witnessed many subpenny runners of late, and FTEG could get its chance, so we’re going to want to monitor this one closely over a longer period of time.

Extended Watchlist: