Earnings Related Options, Special Reminder

Options Review:

Out of the four options chains in which we designated fresh weekly targets in yesterday morning’s premarket report, we got positive results out of the whole bunch, continuing our tradition of high accuracy. We generated short-term ideas for AAL, BBBY, MA, and JBLU, and with the help of a big market run from the open until about 2PM, we saw bullish moves across the board.

Here are the intraday trading ranges and total possible gains on those targets, the most notable of which were the American Airlines calls, which produced five to seven-bag gains:

AAL Weekly $22.50-24 Calls
$22.50: .41-2.55 (+521%)
$23: .34-2.75 (+709%)
$23.50: .31-2.13 (+587%)
$24: .38-2.73 (+618%)

BBBY Weekly $50-55 Calls
$50: 1.74-5.70 (+227%)
$55: 1.24-4.10 (+230%)

MA Weekly $320-325 Calls
$320: 5.00-8.92 (+78%)
$322.50: 4.20-6.70 (+60%)
$325: 2.89-4.86 (+68%)

JBLU Weekly $15-16 Calls
$15: 1.28-1.78 (+39%)
$16: 1.00-1.22 (+22%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
WDC Weekly $56.50-58 Calls
LLY Weekly $215-220 Calls
SWKS Weekly $177.50-185 Calls 


We have been recently picking up large numbers of subscribers to our daily reports, so we want to welcome all of the new blood to our growing community of traders! We also want to give everyone a heads up to watch your inboxes closely on Monday morning in the premarket, because we have an exciting new play in the alternative energy space, which is a sector that we believe will remain hot for years to come. Don’t miss the alert, which should come out shortly before 9AM, as usual!

Extended Watchlist:

Massive Earnings Dump, Fresh Ideas

Microsoft Corp. MSFT – Options Recap: 

We’ll start things off this morning by going over our lone options alert from yesterday morning’s premarket report, which was a tag of the MSFT Weekly $232.50-237.50 Calls. Despite another down day for the markets, there was plenty of turbulence in the early goings to provide us with some significant intraday gain opportunities.

 We witnessed multibag runs in all three of the contracts in our designated ranges, which recorded the following moves: 

MSFT Weekly $232.50-237.50 Calls 
$232.50: 2.88-8.52 (+96%)
$235: 1.94-6.64 (+111%)
$237.50: 1.31-5.00 (+96%)

Fresh Options Ideas:

With a massive earnings dump over the last 16 hours, we’ve got a wide selection of fresh options ideas this morning, as well as a longer-term play to put on watch in GRBK, which had a large block of insider buying come in this week as the stock fell.

BBBY Weekly $50-55 Calls
AAL Weekly $22.50-24 Calls
JBLU Weekly $15-16 Calls
MA Weekly $320-325 Calls
GRBK 05/21 $20-22.50 Calls

Enroll in Our Premium Program Today! 

We’ve had an outpouring of interest in our premium service for traders looking to learn anew, or simply build on their current knowledge. We still have some room to take on more members at the current time, but those spots are filling up fast! We’ve already got dozens of subscribers! Follow the instructions below to signal your interest in participating while space, and the following prices are still available.

Here’s the current pay schedule, subject to change as membership continues to grow, so secure your subscription today:

– $75: Access to our private Telegram channel where we will be posting real-time trade ideas

– $125: Same as above, also includes video of new and archived bi-weekly classes

 – $250: Includes all of the above + 30 minutes of 1-on-1 time with an expert each month

To get enrolled today, please send an email with your contact information and a brief description of your trading history to bullinadvantage@aol.com

Extended Watchlist:

Continued Options Success

Options Recaps 

We put forth some fresh options ideas on Friday morning, and we continued the solid options success that we had going all week long into the finish. Here are the trading ranges and total possible gains that were available to ourselves and our readers

Intel Corp. INTC Weekly $65-67 Calls
: 1.55-4.21 (+172%)
$65.50: 1.22-3.60 (+195%)
: .89-3.27 (+267%)
$66.50: .69-2.70 (+291%)
: .41-2.27 (+454%)

American Express Co. AXP Weekly $133-135 Calls
: 2.31-5.28 (+129%)
$135: 1.67-4.11 (+146%)

Fresh Ideas

We’re feeling bearish on airlines at the present time, especially considering the current viral outbreak which has spread from China by way of air travel. We’re going to formulate a number of options ideas for the week based off that sentiment. There are other economic fears related to the coronavirus as well, which are giving stocks in general a rough go of things as we kick off this fresh trading week. 

UAL Weekly $80-79 Puts
AAL $27-50 26.50 Puts
DAL Weekly $57-56 Puts
SPY Weekly $325-322 Puts

Kiwa Biotech Products Group Corp. KWBT

We began tracking KWBT in December, after which time we observed a low of .018 in the stock. After a really solid first month of the new year, the stock has made quite a bit of progress.

On Friday KWBT reached .052, which represents a fantastic increase of 189% in the month we’ve been tracking it.

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: TROV Recap & More

TrovaGene, Inc. TROV

We wanted to swing back around this morning for a stock that we mentioned on Monday of last week. We said we’d want to have it on watch in later sessions, as the company had just released news of a service agreement with pharma giant AstraZeneca.

There was a slight pullback off of the initial spike that the announcement caused that day, and TROV found support at a low of .85. This morning the stock has reached as high as 1.35 in the premarket, which marks a rise of 59% over the lows we observed last week.

We want to continue to keep an eye on TROV and see it make higher highs and higher lows. If the stock can hold at or above previous resistance at 1.20 on any pullbacks, it’ll be a positive signal.

Marathon Patent Group, Inc. MARA

Hitting our radars as a bottom-bouncer this morning is MARA, which popped up yesterday with its first significantly bullish session in quite some time. It had been pretty well oversold for months, as you can see on the accompanying chart snapshot.

We’ll be interested to see if MARA can put together a multi-day trend, or if yesterday’s move was an aberration. The first step will be a breach of the current 50DMA at .40, which also coincides with an an area of considerable previous resistance.


Highway Holdings Ltd. HIHO – Another potential bottom play we wanted to quickly point out this morning is HIHO. We’ve noticed that the stock has come up off of a double-bottom formation and has been holding support well at the 3.30 level over the past few sessions. We’ll look for it to continue to do so.


Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Options Updates & More

Options Updates

Barracuda Networks, Inc. CUDA On Friday, we had just caught CUDA coming off of a heavy earnings beat, and we signaled our interest in a couple sets of contracts in the options chain to correspond with the expected activity. Specifically the CUDA 07/15 $15 and $17.50 Calls.  It was a good thing that we did, because what followed were some eye-popping gain opportunities!

The $15’s have now traded up from a low of 2.55 to a high of 6.53, for an excellent swing of 156%, while the $17.50’s have amazingly run from .60 to as much as 4.10, a huge 583% rip!


Petroleo Brasiliero S.A. (Petrobras) PBR – We’ve drawn off of the PBR well countless times in the past, and our most recent idea, the PBR 07/15 $6.50 and $7 Calls (which we submitted on the morning of June 29th) has paid off with a couple of sizable swings.

In the roughly two weeks since we tabbed these plays for observation, we saw the $6.50 Calls run first from .30-1.07 (+256%), followed by a dip back to .35 and a rip back to 1.27 (+263%). The $7’s provided similar, yet even bigger action as they initially saw a move from .15-.69 (+360%), followed by a second from .14-.85 (+507%).

We expect the gains mentioned here to be extended as PBR is gapping up again this morning, and we may need to consider rolling up our strike prices to the $7.50 and $8 Calls as the situation dictates.

Gold Resource Corp. GORO

We also want to provide an update on another idea from the end of last week. We were circling back around to GORO on Thursday, a play we’d begun tracking two weeks prior from a low of 3.19.

Since our re-alert on Thursday, GORO has logged higher highs and higher lows in all three sessions. From Thursday’s low of 4.35 to yesterday’s high of 5.44 was a solid 25% upswing, and from our observed low of 3.19 (06/28), it marked a total increase of 71%

Fresh Options Ideas

SAGE Weekly $40 and $45 Calls

SHPG Weekly $187.50-195 Calls

Extended Watchlist:

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