Blue Horseshoe Stocks: GBSN Review, Options Update & More

SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) – Options Recap

Our first options idea of this short week turned out to be a rousing success by all accounts. We noted the change in the tides regarding a general market rebound aided by a healthy surge for oil, and proposed a range of weekly contracts in the SPY to help us leverage some gain opportunities out of those conditions. We signaled our interest in the SPY Weekly $188-191 Calls and were met with some very good chances as the SPY itself steadily pushed from 187.63 to 189.81, closing very close to that high mark.

As a result, all eight of our observed contracts enjoyed significant surges. We’ll simply provide a range of the possible gains in the interest of time. The $188 Calls traded up from 1.64-2.65  for gains of up to 72% while at the other end of the spectrum, the $191’s ran 123% from .39-.87. Again- commensurate gains were available anywhere in that $188-191 Range. 

This morning it appears as if those figures will be extended as the SPY once again gaps up in the premarket, having already breached into the $190’s; we’ll be on the lookout for a possible dip-and-rip.  Another boost for the markets today would mark the first three-day rally of 2016.

Great Basin Scientific, Inc. GBSN

We had been passively monitoring GBSN for a bottom for quite some time when we finally decided to make mention of it in our morning report yesterday. The stock was in an overall downtrend for many months leading up to its all-time low which was recorded just last month.

We seem to have brought GBSN back into the fold at a very opportune moment, as yesterday marked one the stock’s largest single-session gains of the year so far. From its morning low of .1951, we watched as it shot to a daily high of .2698 which hashes out to a healthy intraday day pop of 38% on double its 3-month average volume.

Ideally we’d like to see GBSN maintain support above yesterday’s swing low while attempting to test the key area of current resistance at a previous swing high of .33.

Rockwell Medical, Inc. RMTI 

Another notable mover from yesterday’s session is RMTI, which managed a strong push over the first couple hours of trading. The stock traded from a daily low of 6.90 on up to 8.63 on approximately four times its 3-month average volume, which represented a respectable 25% move up.

We’ll continue to keep an eye on RMTI moving forward, especially in light of the interesting PR to hit wires this morning alluding to a potentially lucrative agreement that puts the company in line to market its treatment for end-stage renal and chronic kidney diseases in China.

Other Notable Gainers

Provision Holding, Inc. PVHO

We tagged PVHO for observation in our report dated a week ago today, meaning it took just four sessions for this idea to yield a great opportunity for a lucrative swing-trade. We observed a low of .084 subsequent to that alert and the stock hasn’t looked back since. It has set higher highs in each ensuing session, culminating in yesterday’s high of .18. That marked a move of 114% so cheers to anyone who was along for the ride!


Horsehead Holding Corp. ZINC(Q)

We introduced ZINCQ as ZINC a couple of weeks ago before the Q was appended, and despite the bankruptcy status, we’ve seen quite the move out of the stock.

We showed up slightly early to the party, introducing it as a bottom-watch play on the first of this month, but that just ensured that we had a chance to position ourselves before the fun began. Our observed low subsequent to that initial alert was .06 just a couple days hence, and that eventually gave way to yesterday’s impressive new high of .335, which marks an epic 458% run.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Friday’s Movers, New Ideas & More

Friday’s Notable Moves

Each of the following plays exhibited appreciable upswings on Friday afternoon after having appeared in our reports for the day and days prior. We’ll have each of these stocks on watch for the possibility of continued momentum this morning:

Nate’s Food Co. NHMD

NHMD covered the most ground as it traded in a range from .0019-.0035 on Friday, running 84% intraday and closing at the high of day on volume to the tune of well over five times its 3-month average. We’ll certainly have an eye out for further activity as we open things up on this holiday-shortened trading week.

Guided Therapeutics, Inc. GTHP

We latched onto GTHP early last week and would see a nice little two-day run from the stock to finish it out. Our observed low came on Thursday at .0102, which gave way to a subsequent high of .015 on Friday, marking an overnight increase of 47%

Sparta Commercial Services, Inc. SRCO

SRCO was a steady climber on Friday which traversed its way from .0025 to .0031 over the course of the day, which represents a modest yet notable 24% rise. It too qualifies for sustained monitoring as a possible momentum play, having closed at its high mark for the session.

ProGreen Properties, Inc. PGEI 

We want to put PGEI on our radars this morning as well, not only for the momentous session it had on Friday, but also due to the content of the PR released by the company early this morning.

Following up from a release they put out in January, the company announced the completion of a joint venture agreement that puts them on track to develop a 300-acre property of proposed farmland in Baja California, Mexico in time for this year’s growing season. We’ll be interested to follow along for further updates on that project as well as watch the chart for short-term opportunities.

SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) – Options Idea

On Friday the markets enjoyed the biggest single-session rally since 2009. With oil rebounding as well, and the S&P having demonstrated a definitive reversal over the past couple of sessions, we’ll want to start the week off  monitoring some SPY Options. Our target area is going to be the SPY Weekly $188-191 Calls.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: SPY Calls, Bottom Bouncers & More

Fresh Options Idea

SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) – The SPY is one of our favorite funds to take advantage of when market conditions permit, and based on the general atmosphere this morning after crude oil’s impressive rally yesterday, we definitely want to signal a range of contracts for tracking.

We’re specifically looking for the heaviest activity to fall within the SPY Weekly $187-191 Calls*, with the SPY trading in the $189-range here in the premarket. If we do see a dip to start the day, we’ll need the subsequent bounce to occur above that $187-level for this idea to remain valid.

*Don’t forget that trading weekly options contracts on a Friday is an inherently risky proposition, as they are on the verge of expiration. It can, however, be a chance for experienced traders to take advantage as premiums dissipate and volatility increases. 

Decision Diagnostics Corp. DECN

DECN was included in our pool of interests from yesterday’s premarket report, and the stock went on to put up a respectable performance.

From a low of .15, DECN ran as high as .24 for potential intraday gains of up to 60% and the move happened with the aid of roughly nine times the monthly average volume.

TubeMogul, Inc.  TUBE

There have been a couple of events that have TUBE flirting with new relative lows this week. A nominal amount of insider selling seems to have coincided with some  third-party content in its news feed casting the stock in a disparaging light.

Events like these awaken the bargain hunters within us. The stock is approaching previous levels of support as we’ve pointed out on the chart below, so we’ll be monitoring for a possible reversal to occur in that channel in forthcoming sessions.

Synergy Resources Corp. SYRG

We’ve noticed SYRG trending up off of its own recent bottom over the past couple of sessions, and we like the overall look of the chart and the strength building therein. We’re looking for this stock to record higher highs and higher lows and continue to build momentum.

Extended Watchlist: