Ending the Week on a High Note, 3 New Ideas

Recapping Wednesday’s Winners:

We’re closing out this short trading week in our favorite way, by reporting another clean sweep of our options trading board from yesterday morning’s premarket report. We had formed five potential plays for our readers’ consideration, and we saw some really nice multibag intraday runs posted. It’s the best way to finish up with the final report of the week, and we hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend!

Yesterday’s runners were the DNUT 04/19 $17.50 Calls, the MRK Weekly $131-132 Calls, the GME Weekly $13-12 Puts, the CTAS 04/19 $660-680 Calls and the NCNO 04/19 $35-40 Calls. Here are the intraday moves they recorded, only a couple of which fell short of the double-bag mark, and with one target actually a exceeding one thousand percent rip on the day:

DNUT 04/19 $17.50 Calls
: .40-.91 (+127%)

MRK Weekly $131-132 Calls
: .36-1.25 (+247%)
$132: .14-.67 (+379%)

GME Weekly $13-12 Puts
$13: .16-.30 (+87%)
$12.50: .06-.12 (+100%)
$12: .03-.05 (+67%)

CTAS 04/19 $660-680 Calls
$660: 12.13-45.60 (+276%)
$670: 7.80-36.00 (+361%)
$680: 2.39-27.15 (+1036%)

NCNO 04/19 $35-40 Calls
: 1.00-2.45 (+145%)
$40: .10-.70 (+600%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
SPY 03/28 $522-523 Calls*
MLKN 04/19 $25 Puts
RH Weekly $325-330 Calls*

*Due to tomorrow’s holiday, ‘weekly’ contracts will expire at market close today. Don’t trade options on their day of expiration unless you are an experienced trader. 

Extended Watchlist:

Monday’s Runners, 6-Pack of New Ideas

Good Start to the Week:

Things went rather well for us to start the fresh trading week yesterday. Our premarket report contained three short term and one longer term idea, and the three quick-strike plays all delivered. This was despite having a shallow pool of earnings reporters, and having to improvise in terms of the targets. We shouldn’t have that issue today, with a full slate on the earnings calendar and a lot more interesting things happening.

As for yesterday’s fresh plays, here we have the intraday figures on the SPY 10/23 $421-420 Puts, the AAPL Weekly $172.50-170 Puts, and the AA Weekly $24-23.50 Puts:

SPY 10/23 $421-420 Puts
 .09-.78 (+767%)
$420: .05-.30 (+500%)

AAPL Weekly $172.50-170 Puts
$172.50: 1.27-1.76 (+39%)
$170: .66-.96 (+45%)

AA Weekly $24-23.50 Puts
$24: .47-.92 (+96%)
$23.50: .32-.63 (+97%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
RTX Weekly $78-80 Calls
VZ Weekly $31.50-32.50 Calls
GE Weekly $111-113 Calls
KO Weekly $54-56 Calls
SPY 10/24 $421-423 Calls*
MARA Weekly $9.50-10 Calls

*Please use caution when trading options contracts on their expiration date. It should only be attempted by experienced traders. 

Extended Watchlist 

Kicking Off Another Trading Week, New Plays

Recapping Friday’s Performance :  

We posted good numbers all week last week, and that trend was unchanged for the options trading ideas we offered up in Friday morning’s premarket report. We had ventured possible strike areas in three separate chains, and came back with some favorable results on the day. Even on days where the earnings calendar doesn’t provide us with many opportunities, we always seem to manage.

That trio of plays from Friday consisted of the ULTA Weekly $425-427.50 Calls, the AFRM Weekly $14-15 Calls, and the HIBB 09/15 $40 Calls. Here were the intraday runs we witnessed in each of the contract sets therein:

ULTA Weekly $425-427.50 Calls
1.37-3.39 (+147%)
$427.50: .90-2.10 (+133%)

AFRM Weekly $14-15 Calls
$14: 1.08-4.25 (+293%)
$14.50: .77-3.62 (+370%)
$15: .47-3.21 (+583%)

HIBB 09/15 $40 Calls
$40: 5.00-6.50 (+30%)

Fresh Options Ideas:

The landscape for interesting high profile earnings reporters is essentially barren today, but we’re going to be tracking the following plays in TSLA and the SPY, a couple of chains that we’ve relied upon for big gains many times before.

TSLA Weekly $240-245 Calls
SPY 08/28 $440-442 Calls*

*Trading contracts on their day of expiration should only be attempted by experienced traders


Extended Watchlist:


Our Website’s 12th ANNIVERSARY & More

Cheers to 12 YEARS! 

Today marks the TWELFTH anniversary of our decision to take our daily stock (and now, options) newsletter public! We created BlueHorseshoeStocks.com as a way to force accountability onto ourselves in a way that no one else ever has. EVERY single newsletter and special report we’ve released in those 12 years is still right there on the site, as a shining example of both our successes and failures. We’re happy to say we’ve had FAR more of the former than the latter, and we’re proud to bring you our very best each and every day for the last dozen years. We thank each and every one of our loyal followers from the bottom of our hearts! Cheers to all, and happy trading!

Perfect Session on Friday:

We finished out the trading week on Friday in top form, with all of our daily ideas from our premarket report hitting, which completed a week in which just one of the contract sets from just one of our ideas failed to post gains. That’s essentially a perfect week, and we’re pleased to be able to perform so well for our loyal readers.

Our winning plays were the AAPL Weekly $190-185 Puts, the AMZN Weekly $138-141 Calls, the AMGN Weekly $230-232.50 Calls, and the ABNB Weekly $139-137 Puts. Some of the gains that were contained therein were truly impressive, and here’s the breakdown of those numbers:

AAPL Weekly $190-185 Puts
2.93-8.05 (+175%)
$187.50: 1.22-5.55 (+355%)
$185: .18-3.03 (+1583%)

AMZN Weekly $138-141 Calls
2.56-5.60 (+119%)
$139: 1.91-4.65 (+143%)
$140: 1.31-3.70 (+118%)
$141: .83-2.78 (+235%)

AMGN Weekly $230-232.50 Calls
7.77-16.35 (+110%)
$232.50: 4.40-13.14 (+199%)

ABNB Weekly $139-137 Puts
.40-2.39 (+498%)
$138: .30-1.95 (+640%)
$137: .14-1.41 (+907%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
BNTX 08/18 $100-95 Puts
TSN Weekly $53-52 Puts 

Extended Watchlist:

Solid Finish to a Great Week, 4 New Earnings Plays

Closing Out the Week on a Great Note:

We always find it most pleasing when we can close out a trading week reporting a clean sweep of Thursday options ideas. We will enjoy that distinction yet again today, with everything we had our eyes on from yesterday’s report producing significant intraday upswings.

Those plays were the PYPL Weekly $69-67 Puts, the QCOM Weekly $119-118 Puts, the SHOP Weekly $62-61 Puts, and the BUD Weekly $57-58 Calls. Here is a breakdown of the intraday performances of these ideas yesterday, whose gains ranged from reasonably impressive to excellent:

PYPL Weekly $69-67 Puts
2.77-4.90 (+77%)
$68: 2.08-3.85 (+85%)
$67: 1.43-2.95 (+106%)

QCOM Weekly $119-118 Puts
$119: 2.40-4.20 (+100%)
$118: 1.59-3.49 (+119%)

SHOP Weekly $62-61 Puts
$62: .81-3.72 (+359%)
$61: .54-2.85 (+428%)

BUD Weekly $57-58 Calls
$57: .50-.75 (+50%)
$58: .05-.15 (+200%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
AAPL Weekly $190-185 Puts*
AMZN Weekly $138-141 Calls*
AMGN Weekly $230-232.50 Calls*
ABNB Weekly $139-137 Puts*

*Trading options contracts on their day of expiration should only be attempted by experienced traders

Nikola Corp. (NASDAQ:NKLA) – Recap:

We’ve got an update on NKLA, which we have been mentioning all summer, after initially tagging it on the morning of June 14th. From its low of .99, we’ve now seen this stock surge to a new high of 3.71 yesterday. That represents a steady 275% increase over roughly the last six weeks.


Tupperware Brands Corp. (NYSE:TUP) – Recap:

As we were just mentioning the other day, we have been on TUP since July 12th, after which time the stock was trading for as little as .61. Even after registering impressive the new highs that we reported this week, the stock continued to surge, printing a trade at 7.25 yesterday post-market. That works out to a total increase of 1088% in the few weeks we’ve been tailing it!

Extended Watchlist:

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