Trying to Secure 2nd Straight Flawless Week

Win Streak, Day 9:

We were hoping that our win streak would continue would yesterday, and we’re very excited to report that it did just that. We lofted a trio of possible trades in our premarket report for the day, and all three of them produced some nice intraday moves. Just one contract set in one chain came two cents shy of a double-bagger, but the rest were strong double and triple-bag movers. That leaves us with just one more session of sweeping our board to make it a full two week perfect streak!

As for the numbers we got off of yesterday’s slate, we had the ABNB Weekly $148-145 Puts, the ARM Weekly $101-99 Puts, and the RBLX Weekly $29.50-28.50 Puts on watch, and here were the runs they recorded:

ABNB Weekly $148-145 Puts
 1.34-2.65 (+98%)
$147: .97-2.14 (+121%)
$146: .63-1.57 (+149%)
$145: .50-1.17 (+135%)

ARM Weekly $101-99 Puts
$101: .36-1.75 (+386%)
$100: .28-1.31 (+368%)
$99: .20-.97 (+385%)

RBLX Weekly $29.50-28.50 Puts
 .32-.89 (+178%)
$29: .17-.63 (+271%)
$28.50: .10-.44 (+340%)

Fresh Options Ideas: 
SPY 05/10 $520-521 Calls*
COIN Weekly $210-215 Calls*
DOCN 05/17 $35 Calls

*Trading options contracts on their day of expiration should only be attempted by experienced traders

Extended Watchlist: 

Reviewing Thursday’s Movers, 4 New Possibilities

Thursday’s Options Recap:

Things ended on a positive note for us on Thursday, just before we broke for the holiday weekend. In our premarket report for the day, we were looking at three potential options trading targets, and everything we came up with produced double-bag intraday runs or better. It’s always nice to end a trading week with a whole slate full of good ideas, and that was certainly the case.

We were considering the SPY 03/28 $522-523 Calls, the MLKN 04/19 $25 Puts, and the RH Weekly $325-330 Calls, and here are the figures those contracts produced on the session:

SPY 03/28 $522-523 Calls
: 1.23-2.65 (+115%)
$523: .58-1.71 (+195%)

MLKN 04/19 $25 Puts
$25: .80-1.65 (+106%)

RH Weekly $325-330 Calls
$325: 5.80-28.89 (+398%)
$330: 5.00-23.31 (+366%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
SPY 04/01 $424-425 Calls*
BOIL Weekly $13.50-14.50 Calls
SGML 04/19 $13-14 Calls
LCII 05/17 $120-115 Puts

*Only experienced traders should attempt to trade options on their day of expiration 

Ibio, Inc. (NYSE:IBIO) – Recap:

We mentioned IBIO in our premarket report this past Wednesday the 27th, and the stock responded by finishing out the short week in good form. From the 2.30 low we observed on Wednesday, it went on to hit 4.98 on Thursday. That’s a 2-day swing of 116% 

Extended Watchlist:

A Winning Wednesday, 4 Fresh Plays

Clean Sweep for Wednesday’s Picks:

Things turned out exceptionally well for us on Wednesday, with all five of the potential options plays we included in our premarket report yielding significant intraday gain opportunities. We’re quite used to turning in a flawless card on any given day, but the good feeling of a clean sweep never gets old!

Yesterday saw us tracking the CPNG Weekly $17.50-18.50 Calls, the BYND Weekly $11.50-12.50 Calls, the EBAY Weekly $45.50-46.50 Calls, the COIN Weekly $210-215 Calls and the MARA Weekly $32-33 Calls. The intraday runs and total possible gains resulting therefrom were as follows:

CPNG Weekly $17.50-18.50 Calls
: .32-.80 (+150%)
$18: .16-.44 (+175%)
$18.50: .06-.21 (+250%)

BYND Weekly $11.50-12.50 Calls
$11.50: .65-1.43 (+120%)
$12: .50-1.15 (+130%)
$12.50: .40-1.00 (+150%)

EBAY Weekly $45.50-46.50 Calls
: 1.41-2.85 (+102%)
$46: 1.04-2.37 (+128%)
$46.50: .74-2.12 (+186%)

COIN Weekly $210-215 Calls
$210: 3.52-6.35 (+80%)
$212.50: 3.11-5.55 (+78%)
$215: 2.42-4.75 (+96%)

MARA Weekly $32-33 Calls
: 1.77-2.87 (+62%)
$32.50: 1.67-2.68 (+60%)
$33: 1.61-2.53 (+57%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
SNOW Weekly $180-175 Puts
MNST 03/15 $57.50-60 Calls
OKTA Weekly $107-110 Calls
CRH 03/15 $80-85 Calls

Extended Watchlist: