Blue Horseshoe Stocks: SPY Calls, Bottom Bouncers & More

Fresh Options Idea

SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) – The SPY is one of our favorite funds to take advantage of when market conditions permit, and based on the general atmosphere this morning after crude oil’s impressive rally yesterday, we definitely want to signal a range of contracts for tracking.

We’re specifically looking for the heaviest activity to fall within the SPY Weekly $187-191 Calls*, with the SPY trading in the $189-range here in the premarket. If we do see a dip to start the day, we’ll need the subsequent bounce to occur above that $187-level for this idea to remain valid.

*Don’t forget that trading weekly options contracts on a Friday is an inherently risky proposition, as they are on the verge of expiration. It can, however, be a chance for experienced traders to take advantage as premiums dissipate and volatility increases. 

Decision Diagnostics Corp. DECN

DECN was included in our pool of interests from yesterday’s premarket report, and the stock went on to put up a respectable performance.

From a low of .15, DECN ran as high as .24 for potential intraday gains of up to 60% and the move happened with the aid of roughly nine times the monthly average volume.

TubeMogul, Inc.  TUBE

There have been a couple of events that have TUBE flirting with new relative lows this week. A nominal amount of insider selling seems to have coincided with some  third-party content in its news feed casting the stock in a disparaging light.

Events like these awaken the bargain hunters within us. The stock is approaching previous levels of support as we’ve pointed out on the chart below, so we’ll be monitoring for a possible reversal to occur in that channel in forthcoming sessions.

Synergy Resources Corp. SYRG

We’ve noticed SYRG trending up off of its own recent bottom over the past couple of sessions, and we like the overall look of the chart and the strength building therein. We’re looking for this stock to record higher highs and higher lows and continue to build momentum.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: STZ Update & More

Constellation Brands, Inc. STZ – Options Update

Our attention was drawn to STZ yesterday morning, because while the market in general was lagging, STZ was going against the grain with a premarket gap-up. We wanted to signal some calls in the STZ options chain that we felt would provide the chance for quick-strike profits, and ultimately settled upon STZ 01/15 $135-150 Calls.

Our idea turned out to be spot-on, with every set of contracts in our target range making appreciable intraday moves:

$135 Calls – Trading Range: 8.90-17.00  – Max Gain: 91%
$140 Calls – Trading Range: 7.30-13.40 – Max Gain: 84%
$145 Calls – Trading Range: 3.40-7.45 – Max Gain: 119%
$150 Calls – Trading Range: .95-3.90  – Max Gain: 311%

As we can see from those numbers, the heaviest action obviously fell at the high end of our specified range, and from this point on, we’ll be continuing to monitor the $150 Calls as well as possibly rolling up to the $155 Calls based on the gap-up we’re now seeing in today’s premarket activity.

Carolco Pictures, Inc. CRCO

It was just a couple of days ago that we were giving ourselves a pat on the back for putting CRCO on our radars back in mid-December, allowing us to witness the run it made earlier this week from .0011-.0054 (+391%).

Yesterday, the stock mananged another big intraday spike which carried it to new highs and increased our observed range on the stock considerably. From an early swing low of .0037 CRCO surged 170%, up to a new high of a penny. It marked an overall jump of  809% over Monday’s low.

Sunshine Biopharma, Inc. SBFM

SBFM is another play we’ve been tracking this week that has gone from subpenny to penny prices in a heartbeat, and it too set new highs during yesterday’s trading session.

The stock ran 85% intraday from .017-.0314, and that newly established high extended our overall observed range on SBFM  from its low of .008 on the day of our initial alert on December 29th, to a whopping 292%

Fresh Options Idea –
Based on this morning’s market activity we want to radar SPY Weekly $194.50-197.50 Calls for possible day-trade opportunities.

Bottom Watchlist Addition

Yesterday we put four stocks on bottom-watch, and we’ve got another potential bounceplay to add to that list. In this case the rebound may be forthcoming, as premarket activity suggests so we’ll keep a close watch over   Sandridge Energy, Inc. SDOC which absolutely fell off a cliff yesterday.

Extended Watchlist:

Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Options Review, Big Movers & More

Friday’s Options Ideas

Our closing thoughts in Friday’s premarket report were in regard to the activity we were seeing in the VXX. It was trending several percentage points above its 50DMA and we went ahead and signals our interest in tracking the VXX $20-22 Calls, with an accompanying idea of SPY $206-203 Puts.

For the second Friday in a row, the options chains of this ETN and ETF provided us with the chance to pull down huge single-session gains:

$20 Calls – Trading Range: 1.09-3.74  – Max Gain: 243%
$20.50 Calls – Trading Range: .75-3.20  – Max Gain: 327%
$21 Calls – Trading Range: .44-2.69 – Max Gain: 511%
$21.50 Calls – Trading Range: .11-.2.29 – Max Gain: 1981%
$22 Calls – Trading Range: .11-1.84 – Max Gain: 1572%

The SPY Puts also worked out, although the potential gains weren’t quite as dramatic. For example the $203.50 Puts ran from .54-1.99; a comparatively modest, yet still excellent intraday move of 268%

We did a quick video highlighting these and a few other great calls made last week:

Another Big Chatroom Play

As our regular readers are aware, we’ve been calling more attention to the daily live traders chats that we conduct on Skype (Send contact request to ‘stocksumo‘ to join in!) so folks have a chance to get in on some of the hot plays that get presented to the room. For the third time in the past few weeks, chatroom member ‘DJ’ produced a gem. The following snapshot from Thursday afternoon’s chat contains his signal to the group:

What happened subsequent to that on Friday morning was nothing short of jaw-dropping. RGDXQ simply exploded as it came out of the gate at a low of .0024 and soared an impressive 900% to the high-of-day at .024 early on in the session. That was followed by a few significant swings later on as well. Excellent work by DJ in giving us the early-warning on that one!

Our current trader’s chats are free and open to anyone for a limited time only, so get on Skype and send a contact request to ‘stocksumo‘ to join in!

HydroPhi Technologies Group, Inc. HPTG

We had HPTG tagged in Friday’s morning report as well, and despite a pullback early on in the session the stock did make a nice rebound. After dipping to .0032 it regained ground back to .0048, which amounts to a 50% swing. The close came just a couple of ticks below at .0046, so we’ll definitely leave this stock on our radars for the time being.

The PR that helped fuel Friday’s activity (link below) highlighted a pair of significant acquisitions made by HPTG, so we’ll also be interested to track that aspect of the story.

Extended Watchlist: