Week of Wild Gains Continues, 4 New Ideas

Reviewing a Great Start to Our Week:

There was a lot going on for yesterday morning’s premarket report. Not only did we have our typical fresh ideas for the day, but we mentioned how we Monday’s plays on the GME and AMC chains to tack on some impressive new highs, and that played out just as we foretold. To sweeten the pot, our fresh targets for the session also all produced good intraday runs to take advantage of, two of which were simply roll-ups in the above mentioned plays.

So below, we’re posting the absolutely massive two session swings from Monday’s GME and AMC calls (GME Weekly $22.50-24 Calls & AMC Weekly $3.00-3.50 Calls), along with the single session performance of yesterday’s roll-ups (GME Weekly $65 Calls & AMC Weekly $8-10 Calls), and finishing out with the other two fresh ideas from yesterday’s report, the ONON Weekly $33-34 Calls and the BABA Weekly $82-81 Puts. All in all it’s been an awesome start to the trading week, with these enormous runners posting numbers like this:

GME Weekly $22.50-24 Calls
 .93-38.52 (+4042%)
$23: .81-38.07 (+4600%)
$24: .79-36.38 (+4505%)

GME Weekly $65 Calls
 4.19-9.20 (+120%)

AMC Weekly $3.00-3.50 Calls
 .19-8.40 (+4321%)
$3.50: .10-8.00 (+7900%)

AMC Weekly $8-10 Calls
$8: .74-2.09 (+182%)
$8.50: .81-2.00 (+147%)
$9: .75-1.95 (+160%)
$9.50: .69-1.87 (+171%)
$10: .69-1.73 (+151%)

ONON Weekly $33-34 Calls
 .85-4.09 (+381%)
 .75-3.90 (+420%)
$34: .58-3.30 (+469%)

BABA Weekly $82-81 Puts
$82: 1.54-4.39 (+185%)
$81: 1.16-3.50 (+202%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
DELL Weekly $137-138 Calls
SONY Weekly $82 Calls
NXT Weekly $50 Calls
MNDY Weekly $210-220 Calls

Extended Watchlist: 

Massive Monday Movers, 4 Fresh Targets

Big Time Movers on Monday:

We kicked off the week with some really exciting action yesterday, after signaling options ideas for two of the hottest plays of the day in GameStop and AMC in our premarket report. We saw the effects of a massive short squeeze take the top off these plays, and produce thousand-percent-plus gainers for our watchlist. We flagged ideas in four chains, and saw gains from all four, but in the case of AON, one of our two contract sets failed to move in a positive direction. So while we are disappointed to technically see our two week perfect streak end, it was nice that it came along with some of the biggest moves we’ve seen this year.

Our targets for the day were the GME Weekly $22.50-24 Calls, the AMC Weekly $3.00-3.50 Calls, the BABA Weekly $81-83 Calls, and the AON Weekly $290-300 Calls, and here were the fantastic figures they put up on the session. If the start of the week is any indicator, we’re in for a wild ride. In terms of GME and AMC, we expect to see our observed ranges on those increase significantly once again today, and we’ll also roll up to include even more contract sets in our designated range.

GME Weekly $22.50-24 Calls
 .93-14.25 (+1432%)
$23: .81-15.80 (+1851%)
$24: .79-15.50 (+1862%)

AMC Weekly $3.00-3.50 Calls
 .19-2.94 (+1447%)
$3.50: .10-2.42 (+2320%)

BABA Weekly $81-83 Calls
 2.27-5.15 (+127%)
$82: 1.93-4.50 (+133%)
$83: 1.61-3.90 (+142%)

AON Weekly $290-300 Calls
 1.71-2.69 (+57%)
$300: N/A

Fresh Options Ideas:
GME Weekly $65 Calls
AMC Weekly $8-10 Calls
ONON Weekly $33-34 Calls
BABA Weekly $82-81 Puts

Extended Watchlist: 

A Fantastic Fortnight, 4 Fresh Ideas

Two-Week Win Streak on the Books:

We set out on Friday with the aim of finishing off our second consecutive week without a single unsuccessful options trading idea. We have achieved flawless runs for single weeks on many occasions, but adding another one back-to-back is an especially remarkable feat. We are happy to announce that all three of the ideas we included in Friday’s premarket report were intraday movers, and we secured our two-week streak!

Friday’s trio of potential plays were the SPY 05/10 $520-521 Calls, the COIN Weekly $210-215 Calls, and the DOCN 05/17 $35 Calls, and they all worked our pretty well. Here were the numbers they posted for the session:

SPY 05/10 $520-521 Calls
 .47-1.40 (+198%)
$521: .14-.48 (+243%)

COIN Weekly $210-215 Calls
$210: 2.20-5.00 (+127%)
$212.50: 1.25-3.24 (+159%)
$215: .64-1.95 (+205%)

DOCN 05/17 $35 Calls

$35: .63-1.37 (+117%)

Fresh Options Ideas: 
GME Weekly $22.50-24 Calls
AMC Weekly $3.00-3.50 Calls
BABA Weekly $81-83 Calls
AON Weekly $290-300 Calls

Extended Watchlist: