Options Recaps:
On the options trading front, we are making our way through the earnings drought as best we can recently, and doing a fairly good job of it if we say so ourselves. We’re in for another week-plus of this, with the days of having plenty of earnings reporters on the calendar set to return on Monday the 18th.
For now, we’ll keep plugging away and taking whatever we can get, and for yesterday’s report that came in the form of the SPY 07/06 $380-382 Calls which absolutely ripped, and the RFP 07/15 $17.50-20 Calls. Additionally, we’ve got some new highs to report in the GIS 07/15 $70-72.50 Calls which we alerted on last Wednesday.
SPY 07/06 $380-382 Calls
$380: 1.45-5.92 (+308%)
$381: 1.05-4.85 (+362%)
$382: .67-3.85 (+477%)
RFP 07/15 $17.50-20 Calls
$17.50: 2.80-3.05 (+9%)
$20: .45-.70 (+56%)
GIS 07/15 $70-72.50 Calls
$70: 2.50-6.63 (+165%)
$72.50: 1.05-4.10 (+290%)
Fresh Options Ideas:
HELE 07/15 $160-150 Puts
SLP Weekly $55-50 Puts
OTC Updates:
We have a couple of OTC stocks that have been mentioned in recent extended watchlists to update readers on this morning as well. We always try to flag potential plays on the lower exchanges in our watchlists, and very often, it bears significant fruit.
We mentioned HMBL on Tuesday morning and the stock has posted an intraweek run from .048-.0992 which marks an upswing of 107%, and this past Thursday we signaled EMGE which has made a rip-roaring move of 273% from .0082-.0306 in just a week’s time.
Extended Watchlist: