Raystream, Inc. RAYS – Hot New Stock

Raystream Inc. RAYS

It isn’t often that we get to alert a stock on its first ever trading day. When a stock comes out of the gate with this kind of strength and momentum, we’ve got to believe that something is up. RAYS is a brand new source of excitement for us, even as our other picks perform for us admirably.

Mind you, we are not being compensated by anyone to talk about this new company, it is simply too tempting of an opportunity to keep to ourselves.  The implications of the company’s success with their video stream compression technologies are far reaching indeed. We are talking about a drastic leap forward in the way video data is distributed across the Internet.

  • Raystream compresses online videos, reducing their file size by up to 90%, with no loss in video quality or clarity.
  • Lower file size means a huge bandwidth and thus cost savings for online video providers.

The promising nature of the technology coupled with a stellar first-day performance on the stock side of things, has our mouths watering over RAYS. You will surely be hearing more about this company as time progresses, just remember where you heard it first.


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