RXAC & Extended Watchlist

We hope everyone enjoys the second half of this short day and tomorrow’s day off from the markets, no matter what your background, or how you celebrate the season. Year’s end is always a reflective time, when we sit and ponder both the year past and the one to come, and get a chance to recharge our batteries. However, before we settle in for a long winter’s nap, let us take the time to congratulate ourselves for squeezing in yet another big winner to Friday’s watchlist.


Resource Exchange of America Corp RXAC

We included RXAC in Friday’s watchlist after noticing that the company was reactivated by Florida’s secretary of state office per a filing dated Dec.19th.

After opening at .006, the stock touched a low of .0042 before running hard into the close and finishing out the day at the HOD of .0099 for a intraday gain of 136% It was the largest gainer from an Extended Watchlist that included 5 out of 6 stocks that posted gains on the day. AAPL was the one exception, however it appears that it wants to gap up and go green as well today.


This is the time of year when lots of folks are selling out of their positions to take a tax loss, which creates great opportunities for bottom-feeders. We will on the lookout for bounce plays, and any other opportunities that may come our way. We will be releasing a new pick on Wednesday that fits into the ‘bottom-bouncer’ category, so be sure to tune back in immediately following the holiday, when we will be ready to ring in the New Year with a bang.


Extended Watchlist:

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