VIZS made a modest run following the open today at .0013 as it promptly touched a high of .0016. That’s an intraday move of 23% The stock has subsequently come down to find support at .0006. It was from this level back in late July that VIZS spiked to .0019, so we’ll monitor for any further bounces VIZS.
Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. INO
Yesterday morning, we mentioned that INO after hitting a high of 2.20, reminded us of the Energizer Bunny. At that point it had brought us possible gains on the order of 240% The stock hit a high of 3.10 this morning, a 41% spike from the previous day’s high, and an overall move of 382% of from our initial alert at .6425.
Side Note:
We also wanted to take a second to pat ourselves on the back for our selection of STXS yesterday, which gained us an honorable mention on the Penny Stock Rumble for choosing the stock with the day’s highest dollar volume.