BUCS, SUNB, IDOI | Today’s Stock Watchlist

Business Continuity Solutions Inc. BUCS

 Bottom-plays seemingly abound recently, as we have got yet another one for you today. Just look at how ripe this chart is for a nice bounce:

Let’s give BUCS a spot on our watchlists today, as it could be a source of gains as this week comes to a close.

Sunbelt International Corp. SUNB

We added another 52% in gains on Wednesday with SUNB, bringing the cumulative total to over 100% in just a few days. While we’ve had so many recent winners it can be hard to keep track of them all, but SUNB is certainly distinguishing itself, landing us at #1 yesterday on Penny Stock Rumble for the second time in the past week.

Yesterday we mentioned that we were looking for a continuation of momentum, which finally arrived late in the day, pushing the stock to its HOD of .38 to close out the session.

IDO Security, Inc. IDOI

IDOI is another play with a nice chart setup that we wanted to add to the radar today. The stock has seen four major runs since December, and each time it has consolidated, its gone even higher.

We are currently experiencing a pullback from the last run to the .50’s, and it looks like it has found a level of support in the .40-range as it has consolidated.

We are going to be revisiting a pick that we have called in the past that has really made moves for us. We first made mention of this play in September, just before it ran 32%.

The chart looks like it is under consolidation, and the possibility of nice bounceplay exists. Stay tuned for the symbol in your inboxes tomorrow.

Extended Watchlist:


CWET, ANTS, ATRN, BPAX, CRPZ, SUNB | Today’s Stock Watchlist

Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. CWET

Yesterday we stated “Yesterday’s closing momentum is likely to lead to a morning gap-up today, which is often accompanied by a slight pullback, and subsequent leveling off.”  We couldn’t have called that more accurately for you, as indeed that is exactly what took place. There seems to be a huge resistance point at .22, so that should be the threshold we’re looking to cross. Should the stock fail to break that level, we wouldn’t be surprised to see another pullback.

And for those who missed yesterday’s news:

ANNAPOLIS, Md., Feb. 14, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCBB: CWET), (the “Company”) announced the Notice of Allowance of its patent application titled Efficient Energy Conversion Devices & Methods (U.S. Pat. App. No. 13/091,124) by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The patent covers specific aspects of deploying multiple turbines in a wind tunnel coupled to a novel hydraulic system capable of maintaining high efficiency hydraulic to electric conversion under a wide variance of wind speeds. The ultimate goal is to maximize the capture and utilization of all available wind energy in any given wind tunnel, as well as providing a consistency of power output during any deviations in wind speed. The Company considers this patent to be a “Core Patent” providing a significant barrier to entry for any potential competitor.


ANTS Software, Inc. ANTS

ANTS has been a great stair-stepper of a chart since we got involved, when the stock was trading at under .005. Much like the chart on CRPZ, ANTS has a golden cross in the making, with the 20DMA about to cross above the 50DMA. ANTS also has nice liquidity and recent consistency in its volume. For all these reasons, ANTS’ spot on our watchlist is reserved for the moment.

Atrinsic, Inc. ATRN

ATRN has been a continual winner for us of late; yesterday closing at its high of day. This leads us to believe that this money train is still just chugging along.We’ve already seen 1691% in gains on this beauty. As if that is not impressive enough, it appears as if it wants to gap-up this morning, bringing further gains to the table.

BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BPAX

Despite recent reports of an investigation into suspicious activity surrounding BPAX last year, we are still interested in how the storyline progresses, especially with clinical trials of the company’s products ongoing. The stock appears to be about to gap-up over 50% this morning, which would place our total gains on the stock at more than 200%

Convenience TV Inc. CRPZ

Per a heads-up from one of our subscribers, we first made mention of CRPZ on Feb. 2- at that time the PPS was sitting at .0015.Last Friday we witnessed how volatile CRPZ can swing in the blink of an eye, when a surge in volume hits the stock. A price of .007 was reached on that day for a possible gain of 367%

In October, CRPZ ran from .0014 on the 18th to a high of .0089 on the 20th. (+536%), and in November it ran from .002 on the 16th to .0074 on the 17th (+270%)

As you can see, the 20DMA is rising toward the 50DMA, trying to cross; a bullish indicator, and the Accum/Dist has recently bounced off of a low.  If history is any indicator here, we could really see some more rapid gains in the near future.

Sunbelt International Corp. SUNB

Since our first flag of this play on Feb 9th  it has been a low as .165. Yesterday the stock pushed to .27 before the close at .25 for possible gains between 50-65%We like the trend that we are seeing with regard to the increasing volume, and if the momentum can persist, we could have additional profits in store.

CWET, ANTS, ATRN, OPMG | Today’s Stock Watchlist

Clean Wind Energy Tower, Inc. CWET

Starting last Wednesday, we began to notice that the CWET chart was ripening for a bottom play; at the time trading as low as .105. We pounded the table as we saw the MACD begin to converge into a cross, and keeping our readers informed through the whole process, and indeed what ensued was the breakout that we had anticipated.

Volume exploded on Monday, the stock hit new highs, and closed at its high of day (.18) up over 70% from our original alert.

Yesterday’s closing momentum is likely to lead to a morning gap-up today, which is often accompanied by a slight pullback, and subsequent leveling off.


ANTS Software, Inc. ANTS

Yesterday, ANTS hit a high of .0328. From our initial flag of this play on Groundhog Day (Feb 2) when the stock was trading in the .003 range, we’ve made a TEN BAGGER with this play.

To be exact, ANTS has yielded us gains ranging from 566-993% in matter of only four trading sessions. We don’t have to stress how big of a deal that is, although of late, this sort of gain has been all but commonplace for us!

Atrinsic, Inc. ATRN

ATRN hit another new high for us yesterday of .24, representing a 1521% gain from our maiden alert on January 4th!

Prior to this point, we were already extremely pleased with ATRN’s performance, making these added gains feel like just a bonus at this point.

Options Media Group Holdings, Inc. OPMG

Like the rest of our recent bottom plays that we’ve called, OPMG shot out of the gate strong on Monday, ranging from .0063-.0085 for a quick 35% intraday gain.

The stock traded more than 5X its 3mo average volume, managing to close the day up a modest 12%  Not bad for the first day on our bottom play watchlist, so we are excited to see what it can do in the days ahead.

Today’s Extended Watchlist: