WBSI | WebSafety, Inc | Special Report

WebSafety, Inc. WBSI

Why are we so excited about today’s new interest? We always get jazzed up when we run across a stock that has such a convincing story backing it up. WebSafety’s product fills a real need for parents in a world where children’s mobile phone usage often begins to go unchecked.

How many times have we heard about auto accidents that were caused by texting-while-driving? There are still many places where this is not technically against the law, thus it is something that still happens all the time. WebSafety provides a solution for concerned parents, as well as peace of mind, by disabling a phone user’s ability to text from a moving vehicle.

What about instances of bullying that occur in today’s schools and online using mobile technology? Cyber-bullying, as it has come to be called, has proven its potential to be every bit as deadly as texting-while-driving, and WebSafety has a solution for that as well.

Now parents who desire a greater measure of control over their child’s mobile usage can rest easily. WebSafety can not only save your child from getting hurt, but it can save their life.

Apart from an exciting model and product, WBSI has its selling points on the stock side of things as well.

The stock hit a low of .0019 toward the end of February, and within one month’s time, ended up trading all the way up to .0348. That’s a monstrous gain of 1732%

Yesterday, the stock retraced to a new low since that recent high, which is why we’ve picked a good time to observe this stock. It bounced off of yesterday’s low of .014, to close as .025, for a nice intraday gain of 79%. Knowing that these are the kinds of moves of which WBSI is capable, only furthers our excitement , and anticipation of what’s to come.

OTCMarkets is currently reporting the total number of Shares Outstanding as: 84,241,262 a/o 12/21/11. This is a relatively attractive share structure, when considering the price range of the stock.

WBSI is also receiving a “Strong Buy” Rating at BARCHART.COM

WebSafety, Inc. is a leading provider of mobile phone and computer software solutions that prevent texting, emailing and web browsing while driving, incidents of cyber-bullying as well as explicit or degrading texting, sexting issues, and unlawful Internet behavior such as cyber-predators.

The new WebSafety online parental monitoring solution is offered as a $7.99 monthly subscription, activated from the company’s website (), available as a free download. WebSafety supports Android-based phones and RIM BlackBerry  phones, with future support planned for iPhone and iOS devices, and Windows-based devices.

WebSafety is also licensed and distributed by WQN Inc. (Pink Sheets:WQNI) through their brand RatedSafe(TM).

More Information at: www.websafety.com

Blue Horseshoe Logs Perfect Day, All Stocks Rise


With 5 out of 5 of today’s selections making positive moves, we’ve had yet another all-star day to kick off what promises to be another bang-up week of stock trading!

We wanted to come to you this afternoon with a round-up of today’s winners:


Original Alert:  03/22    Low:  .0018    Today’s High:  .0049   Total Possible Gain: 172%


Original Alert:  02/24    Low:  .036    Today’s High:  .0587   Total Possible Gain:  63% 


Original Alert:  Today (03/26)   Low:  .04    High:  .06   Total Possible Gain:  50%   


Original Alert:  Today (03/26)   Low:  .61    High:  .73   Total Possible Gain:  19.7%


Original Alert:  Today (03/26)   Low:  6.81    High:  7.00   Total Possible Gain:  2.8%

In addition to info on today’s picks, we wanted to include an update on a previously mentioned play:


Original Alert:  03/16    Low:  .0162    Today’s High:  .0442   Total Possible Gain: 173%



We defy anyone to point out to us, a newsletter where you can find 5 winners in one morning, and no losers!

All of the success we’ve been enjoying only makes the fact that we have a special play coming to you brand new tomorrow morning that much more exciting.

We suggest everyone monitor their inbox from 9:15am on, and keep a sharp watch out, because this one shouldn’t be overlooked.

AGCZ, CETH, AFBG, RPTP, CATA | Today’s Stock Watchlist

Andes Gold Corp. AGCZ

We’ve seen some newsletter coverage on AGCZ this weekend. We’ve been on this stock for around 6 weeks now, long before any of these other groups even thought about running a promotion.

Once again, we show up to the party well in advance, and we’ve brought you along for the ride!

Friday’s News:

BOCA RATON, FL, Mar 25, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — Andes Gold Corp (PINKSHEETS: AGCZ), a gold mining company with existing operations in Ecuador, today discussed the Company’s current operations and projected what can be expected in the coming months.

The Company is currently mining its gold concessions located in southern Ecuador. This consists of two mines having proven gold reserves of approximately 395,000 ounces of gold. At today’s prices, that represents a value of over $600 million in potential revenue based on an average price per ounce of $1650. The Company’s present mining efforts extract and process approximately 50 ounces per day with an immediate goal of increasing that to 100 ounces of gold per day.


Convergence Ethanol, Inc. CETH

CETH is new to our radar this morning. Despite the name that suggests biofuel, this is in fact a gold play. In the past, we’ve done well with goldmining plays, and have added this stock to our watchlist after noticing increasing volume, and some explosive gains.

As recently as Feb.6th the stock was trading between  .001-.003, before hitting a high of .099 on Mar. 13th.  (9800% gained!)  Friday we saw an increase in volume, trading over 3X its 3mo average, up 95%, closing at .036. Should CETH reach previous highs, from the current price, that could mean an addition 175% in gains.

More Info at http://indemiagold.com


American Fiber Green Products, Inc. AFBG

This is a stock that had news out last week, causing it to wake up, opening at .42, and touched .40 before reaching a high of .60, for an intraday gain of 50%, and closing out the day near to the HOD at .59 on record-high volume.

This could figure to be a momentum play this morning, especially in light of recent news:

TAMPA, FL, Mar 26, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — American Fiber Green Products, Inc. (AFBG) (OTCQB: AFBG) (PINKSHEETS: AFBG) today announced that the company has signed Master Service Agreements with two Global Fortune 500 companies for its fiberglass recycling program.


Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp. RPTP

RPTP is another new stock for us today, as a possible bottom-bounce play.  The stock saw a new low since January on Thursday, with Friday being the first up day after that low was reached.

Chartwise, the MACD is getting ready to cross, and the RSI is coming off of being oversold. Coupled with today’s news, and ripening chart, we could see some nice gains from RPTP early-on this week.


Catalyst Resource Group, Inc. CATA

We caught CATA late on Friday, the stock was trading at .0018, just prior to seeing gains of over 100%

A rush of volume came in following our alert, as the stock traded nearly 6X the 3 mo. average. It will be interesting to see how much of that momentum spills over into this week.
