Medbox, Inc. MDBX
MDBX is a stock that we were tracking fairly heavily over the course of the fall season, awaiting a solid bottom-bounce signal as the stock drew back steadily in PPS over a period of many weeks.
Yesterday we were sent into high alert mode with regard to MDBX, and while the observation came just a few minutes late to make it into our premarket report, it was shared in our trader’s chat promptly at the open as you can see from the following snapshot:
What ensued was an intraday run, and the strong bounce signal we were awaiting all along. From a low of .02 MDBX shot up 95% to reach an HOD of .039; that worked out to a 95% pop.
We felt it was another perfect illustration of why we encourage all of our followers to get in on our daily trader’s chats. There are often opportunities mentioned that won’t appear in our premarket reports, appearing in the chatroom throughout the course of a given day.
Once again, all one needs to do is log onto a Skype account and send a contact request to username ‘stocksumo‘, and you will be admitted into the chat!
pSivida Corp. PSDV – News Alert
We’re casting a portion of our attention this morning in the direction of PSDV. As we were examining this morning’s PR feeds, we noticed an announcement from the company referring to positive Phase-III study data and a huge concurring gap-up.
Medidur is PSDV’s treatment in development for an eye affliction known as posterior uveitis, and the results of the trials are said to be “statistically significant”. We’ll be monitoring this play as the session kicks off today in the event that the move up on the chart is significant as well.
Given that it’s traded up over 50% in today’s premarket, we may need to observe for possible dip-and-rip action in the stock.
Extended Watchlist: