PROT, EXTO, SVMI, SAPX, VHGI, BNVI – Today’s Stock Watchlist

Every single one of our picks was in the green on Monday kicking off the week right, for combined gains of 79%!

Proteonomix, Inc. PROT

Having recently experienced a golden cross, PROT awoke like a sleeping giant to bring us gains on the order of 1000% in the past month. As if that wasn’t more than adequate, on Monday, the stock continued to trade like a beast, racking up further gains of nearly 40% In the past three days, PROT is up over 100%  With the strength heading into yesterday’s close, we wouldn’t be shocked to find that momentum continuing this morning with a gap-up, followed by an additional run.

Exit Only, Inc. EXTO

EXTO enjoyed its fourth consecutive day of appreciation on higher than average volume. Once we breach the .008-.009 range, it looks to be smooth sailing through to a penny. Anticipation for the name and symbol change is indeed building, and once that transpires, we could see a new wave of investors begin to accumulate the stock. We will keep you apprised.

SaVi Media Group, Inc. SVMI

The chart SVMI is shaping up quite nicely, and volume has been quite strong for the past two sessions. A move from .0083 to .009 put its modest gain for the day at just over 8% There seems to be some resistance at .009, but once broken through, there is room for more gains. As we proved with PROT, sometimes these things take more than just a few days to produce, and we are still fairly confident in the case of SVMI.

Seven Arts Entertainment, Inc. SAPX

We have seen three consecutive days of increases for SAPX. On Monday, the stock crept up 10% on greater-than-average volume. The high on Monday was .50, which, from the previous low following our call, (.271) made a possible gain of 85%

VHGI Holdings, Inc. VHGI

 VHGI is our energizer bunny stock, just going, and going.. The stock has produced gains for 4 out of the last 5 days, with seemingly no end in sight. It added 10% to its gains on Monday.

BioNovo, Inc. BNVI

This play is turning out exactly as anticipated, seeing two days of gains in a row. From Friday’s low at .1512  to yesterday’s peak at .218, the stock gained 44%

Proteonomix, Inc. – PROT | Gains Reach 1000%

Proteonomix, Inc. PROT

Following our first alert of PROT on November 10th, the stock enjoyed upwards of 88% in gains, which was very pleasing at the time. We watched the stock subsequently reach a new low at .29. We are happy to report, that at today’s high of 3.25, it represents a 1020% gain in just about a month’s time. We don’t have to stress how huge that is, but we thought remind folks about it anyway!

Our picks don’t all explode overnight, but as PROT is showing us, it is not unheard-of for them to end up experiencing unbelievable gains over a bit longer of a time period.

VHGI, SAPX, SVMI, BNVI, EXTO – Today’s Stock Watchlist

3 out of 4 of our picks on Friday closed in the green, continuing a pattern of excellence for us in 2012. Where else can you find so many successful picks on such a regular basis? The answer, (and believe us, we’ve checked around) is nowhere!

Exit Only, Inc. EXTO

EXTO made yet another swing on Friday, as has become commonplace; we seem to witness these swings on a week-to-week basis. The range last week was from .0053-.0075, making an intraweek gain of 42% possible. Still no word on the new symbol to accompany the name change, but we will keep you all apprised.

BioNovo, Inc. BNVI

BNVI is a bottom play from last week with a chart that is still looking ripe to yield substantial gains moving forward. As you can see, it is exhibiting three of our favorite bottomplay characteristics at present, by the chart we’ve included below:

SaVi Media Group, Inc. SVMI

SMVI was the one pick from Friday that needed a little more time to make its move, but we still have it on our radar. We really like the Dyna- Valve technology behind this company, a product aimed at reducing carbon emissions, fuel consumption, and engine wear in motor vehicles. Anything aiming to produce those kinds of results is worth taking the time to monitor.

Seven Arts Entertainment, Inc. SAPX

Once again, we were early to the party on a runner. While having already amassed gains of 54% , SAPX was the subject of a big promotion over the weekend, and we expect even more gains to roll in. We are still calling for this stock to make a run at recent highs in the .63-.67 range.

VHGI Holdings, Inc. VHGI

VHGI has brought us gains well into the triple-digits since we began following, back on Dec. 9th. On Friday, the stock reached another 52-wk high, which reaffirms the fact that we are in bluesky territory, and there is no telling where the ceiling is on this thing!