Multiple Mid-Week Winners
Yesterday’s premarket report was chock-full of prime opportunities to strike it big with some fantastic intraday gains. Here they are in descending order of magnitude:
Diana Containerships, Inc. DCIX – Like DRYS, which we were tracking on such a monumental run that it got halted, DCIX is another play in the shipping sector, which has been the post-election hot ticket. After we tagged it in yesterday’s report, DCIX managed a hearty run from 8.27 to as high as 26.17, an intraday burst amounting to 216%
Sino-Global Shipping America, Ltd. SINO – Tally up yet another shipper that we caught just in time to benefit from the rush on the sector. SINO was another inclusion in our Monday watchlist, and it too has produced a multi-bag surge. The stock traded in a range from 3.45 to 7.86 yesterday, allowing for up to 128% in single-session profits. From our observed low of 1.44 on Monday, it marked a three-day uptrend of 446%
Bulova Technologies Group, Inc. BTGI – We also had a pair of subpenny plays put up solid numbers on the day yesterday. We tagged BTGI on Tuesday, observed a modest run on massive volume, and reiterated as much in yesterday’s report. The trend continued, as the stock ran from .0036-.0059 (+64%) on over 5X its 30-day average volume. From our observed low of .00275 on Tuesday, it went down as an overall two-day swing of 115%
SpectraScience, Inc. SCIE – Rounding out our list of nice gainers from yesterday is SCIE. The stock traded in a comparatively subdued, yet quite notable range from .0019-.003. That was good for gains of up to 58%
Added Notes:
Options Reminder – We also want to remind our readers of our successful hunch that Bank of America would be a good short yesterday. We saw modest gains in our target contracts, BAC Weekly $20.50-19.50 Puts, and will continue to track the added gains that are sure to be caused from another gap-down here in the premarket, and possible continued backslide today. We’ll provide an update on the activity and our total possible gains in tomorrow’s premarket report.
Shipping Watchlist – Granted the excellent activity in the shipping sector that we’ve been mentioning, we thought it would be a good idea to include a handful of other plays in the space to watch in addition the ones we’ve already mentioned this week: RLOG, GSL, CHNR, NMM, OSG, NAO.
Extended Watchlist: