Friday’s Big Session, 4 New Ideas to Start the Week

A Flawless Friday Finish:

It was a fantastic Friday for us, as we managed to post the third straight session of excellent options ideas, and zero duds in our premarket report! It’s always great to finish off a trading week with a perfect slate of potential plays. We had a pretty good dump of big name earnings, and that was a big help toward some significant intraday gain opportunities.

Our targeted interests for the day were the MSFT Weekly $342.50-347.50 Calls, the UNH Weekly $460-465 Calls, the WFC Weekly $44.50-45.50 Calls, and the C Weekly $48-49 Calls. Their intraday ranges and caliber of possible profits were as follows:

MSFT Weekly $342.50-347.50 Calls
4.00-8.80 (+120%)
$345: 2.06-6.50 (+216%)
$347.50: .92-4.11 (+346%)

UNH Weekly $460-465 Calls
$460: 4.00-25.00 (+525%)
$462.50: 2.03-21.45 (+957%)
$465: 1.42-18.29 (+1188%)

WFC Weekly $44.50-45.50 Calls
$44.50: .05-.21 (+320%)
$45: .02-.08 (+300%)
$45.50: .10-.27 (+270%)

C Weekly $48-49 Calls
.11-.33 (+200%)
$48.50: .06-.16 (+167%)
$49: .02-.07 (+250%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
TSLA Weekly $285-287.50 Calls
NVDA Weekly $455-460 Calls
AEHR Weekly $45-50 Calls
INTC Weekly $32.50-33.50 Calls

Extended Watchlist:

Recent Options Movers & More

Recent Runners:

With no earnings plays to work with, it was a pretty rough outing yesterday to kick off the week. We didn’t see immediate chances for returns on the few options ideas we selected, leaving us in anticipation of another earnings season to begin its return next week. We’ll keep the plays we highlighted yesterday on the radar as always, but for this morning’s report, we’ll just focus on some other longer-term ideas we recently formulated, and the progress they’ve managed since then.

We flagged the EVGO 08/18 $4-5 Calls last Monday the 3rd, and the SNOW 08/04 $170-165 Puts we signaled on Friday morning, and have seen some reasonably solid swings from them.

EVGO 08/18 $4-5 Calls
1.40-2.39 (+95%)
$5: .04-.10 (+150%)

SNOW 08/04 $170-165 Puts
6.98-12.52 (+79%)
$165: 5.19-9.70 (+87%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
SPY 07/11 $439-441 Calls*
INTU Weekly $460-465 Calls
WDFC 07/21 $200-210 Calls
PSMT 07/21 $75 Puts

*Trading options contracts on their day of expiration should only be attempted by experienced traders

T2 Biosystems, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTOO)

We’ve also seen quite an impressive multibag run from TTOO, which we began tracking in our report from the morning of June 22nd. Over these past few weeks we’ve witnessed the stock rise from a low of .066 to as much as .1894 in the premarket this morning. That works out to a gain of 187%

Extended Watchlist:

Several Fresh Options Ideas

Options Review:

We had some pretty good fortune yesterday with the quick-strike options ideas we included in yesterday morning’s premarket report. Both of the sets of calls with weekly expirations bore fruit for us, even as the markets dipped yet again, in what has been a challenging time for day-traders and long term stockholders alike.

The plays that helped us keep up the good fight for yesterday were the COST Weekly $485-490 Calls, and the SAVA Weekly $45-46 Calls, which provided ourselves and our readers with the following intraday opportunities:

COST Weekly $485-490 Calls
 3.65-5.55 (+52%)
$490: 2.41-3.54 (+47%)

SAVA Weekly $45-46 Calls
$45: 2.70-4.50 (+67%)
$45.50: 2.50-4.20 (+68%)
$46: 2.39-3.94 (+65%)

Fresh Options Ideas:
SAVA Weekly $47.50-48.50 Calls
THO 10/21 $70-75 Calls
FTNT 10/21 $45-50 Calls
SPY 09/28 $363-365 Calls 

Global Tech Industries Group, Inc. GTII – OTC Recap:

We were just talking about the solid moves GTII has made for us recently in yesterday morning’s report, and the stock responded by not only setting another new high, but it did so as the number one actively traded stock on the OTC for the session! GTII recorded a high of 2.70 which marks an impressive increase of 229% over our observed low of .85.

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