AAPT & Extended Watchlist

All American Pet Company, Inc. AAPT

AAPT shined on Thursday, landing us at the top of Penny Stock Rumble‘s Top Gainers list for the second straight day (GYST put us there on Wednesday). After touching a low of .027, it reached .0389, for more than 40% gained on the day.

Beginning Thursday of last week, (trading at .0143) we’ve been encouraging folks to take a look at AAPT. Those fortunate enough to have jumped in at last weeks low would be up 172% as of yesterday’s high.

BARCHART.com was rating this play a “Sell” up until yesterday. Today, it is being rated a “40% Buy”

All in all, AAPT has been our top performer (though still just one among many) of the past couple of weeks. We want to keep this on watch for weeks to come as well. With all the exciting developments of late, we don’t want to miss a beat.


Extended Watchlist:

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