Blue Horseshoe Stocks: PBR & GEIG Updates, Extended Watchlist

Petroleo Brasiliero S.A. (Petrobras) PBR – Options

To start off a new trading week, we’re going to follow up on Friday’s mention of PBR Calls, which ended up with a fantastic performance by all accounts. If you recall, in Friday Morning’s Report, we indicated that we were “interested in the potential of the $16.50 and $17.00 Weekly Calls” for intraday flip opportunities.

As you can see on the Level 2 Snapshot below, the $16.50 Calls traded in a range from .25-.63, an intraday move 152% The $17 Calls did considerably better, screaming up from a low of .04 and running as high as .23; good for enormous gains of up to 475%

To begin the week, we’ll remain interested in the $16.50 and $17 Weekly Calls, provided PBR can hold support at Friday’s swing low of 16.66

GEI Global Energy Corp. GEIG

In our most recent GEIG alert (Wednesday), we stated that we needed to “keep a sharp eye out for a bottom… as it gets itself in gear for the next leg-up.”

The stock was searching for a base of support from which to launch its next upswing, and found it at .007 shortly prior to the close on Thursday. Friday’s session would prove most advantageous, as the stock sailed back upward to as high as .02, marking a 185% spike off of that bottom.

That was the second golden opportunity presented to us by GEIG in as many weeks; remember, we called it the week before last as well, and were rewarded with a single-session move of over 700% with traders easily being able to play the stock for gains in the 400% range. The high on that run was .08, so its quite possible to see GEIG make further strides from current levels.

Side Note:

We’re still monitoring FB Calls as we pointed out at the beginning of last week. We’ll be looking to capitalize on the volatility that comes with rising anticipation of earnings, due for release on Wednesday. It won’t be the first time we’ve used this tactic, and it isn’t likely to be the last.

In the midst of earnings season, we’re focused on using the trends to our advantage in making some potentially big options trades, not just with FB, but many others as well.

Extended Watchlist:

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