Viper Networks, Inc. VPER
VPER has been on our radars for quite some time, with our first alert coming on March 13th. Since that time, there’s been the opportunity to trade this stock for a handsome profit on 4-5 separate occasions.
Following the last run from .0016 to .0055, we’ve undegone a consoldidation, holding support in the low .002’s. Should the stock break past resistance at .0026, .0029, and .0031 (the 20, 100, & 50DMA ‘s respectively), there seems a strong chance that this play could return to .004’s and higher, and we certainly dont frown upon gains on the order of 50%
We have prepared a video chart for your convenience, which can be found below:
Rarus Technologies Inc. RARS
We have been silently monitoring RARS for weeks, although it has not yet appeared in our newsletter coverage. After witnessing last week’s activity, we felt compelled to share it with you today.
On Monday, the stock was trading as low as .071. By the time Wednesday rolled around, the high had touched .144, for a gain of 103%
That jump pushed the stock above its 20DMA, and providing it can hold at that level or above, we believe that the recovery off of its bottom could continue.
Rarus Technologies Inc. Announces Its Zngle Platform Will Create Revenues By Competing In a $39.5 Billion Market Through Development of Self-Serve Ad Platform PR Newswire – Mon 8:00AM
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