VPER, HBRM, ICPA, EMWW & Today’s Extended Watchlist

Viper Networks, Inc. VPER

On Friday, we mentioned that we were looking for VPER to find a bottom, which it did, at .0016. The stock closed at .0021, which was down from the previous day’s close, but still up 32% from the day’s low.

Herborium Group, Inc. HBRM

HBRM began to start showing some strength again on Friday after the recent consolidation. The volume flowing through the stock on Friday was impressive, trading over 60M shares. With news out this morning as well, it will be interesting to see how HBRM fares.

News Out:
TEANECK, N.J., May 7, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Herborium Group, Inc., (PINKS. HBRM) www.herborium.com, a Botanical Therapeutics® company, reports today, that preliminary 2nd quarter 2012 revenue sustained a record breaking increase of 40% for its first two months, in comparison to the same two months of 2011.  This most satisfying sales growth is largely the result of an aggressive Social Media Marketing Strategy introduced by the Company in the fall of 2011. The same marketing efforts brought on 87% increase in the traffic on www.acnease.com  >>> FULL STORY

IC Places, Inc. ICPA

ICPA is another play that has undergone a bit of a consolidation recently, as was expected after the monster run it had from .0008 to .0585. (An unbelievable, incredible, astounding 7213% gain!)

For the past three sessions, ICPA has been making higher lows, leading us to believe that the consolidation is nearing its conclusion.

Structural Enhancement Technologies Corp. EMWW

EMWW has appeared on our extended watchlist a couple of times in recent weeks, as we prepare for the company to become current on its filings. The company is preparing all the necessary information as outlined in this attorney letter, released Friday.

We’ll be watching the news feeds closely for updates on the situation.
Extended Watchlist:

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