Gemini Explorations, Inc. GMXS
On Friday, we stated that “GMXS looks very attractive to us in the .04-.06 area, due to the previous trading patterns, which suggest the stock could easily push back into the .08-.10 range.”
Monday’s session confirmed our assumptions about GMXS, as the stock most certainly did reach the .08 mark, closing there at the high-of-day.
In a time when the market is very turbulent, we like precious metal plays. Our opinion of GMXS is still riding fairly high for this reason.
Not only did the stock make a higher low and higher high on Monday, but several of the indicators that we’ve pointed out below suggest that things could get really exciting.
We’re looking at an RSI that is kissing the 50DMA overlay, having just pushed past the 50 mark. The PPO has crossed and upturned while its histogram bars have also flipped up topside. The Slow STO has also surpassed its own 50 day average, and is heading to the power zone.
IC Places, Inc. ICPA
ICPA is among our top picks this year. Yesterday the stock traded as low as .033, and as high as .0399, for 21% gained. This was nothing in comparison to the 3150% gain we saw earlier this year from .0018 to .0585, however these smaller gains sure do add up, and as we say around her, “profits are profits”.
Indicators on the ICPA chart are still looking good as outlined below.
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