Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Fresh Options Plays & More

DryShips, Inc. DRYS – Update

We wanted to start things off this morning by providing an update and some reactive commentary on DRYS, whose massive surge from early this week was stopped in its tracks yesterday.

After the mammoth run we tracked it over from 13.60 on Monday to Tuesday’s high of 102.00 (+650%), the stock was halted, and only resumed trading yesterday. What followed was a massive selloff that we did caution would be forthcoming in Wednesday’s report, stating that we’d want to be ready to take advantage of a potential dip-and-rip when that occurred.

That’s why we wanted to remind our readers of the situation today, and put the stock on bottom-watch. Rebounds are often proportional to the surges that preceded them, and if that holds true here, the bounce on DRYS when it reverses could be significant.

Solaris Power Cells, Inc. SPCL

Next up is SPCL, which we began watching for a bottom on Tuesday, and after realizing that bottom the following session, the stock has made quite a respectable move. It traded in a range from it’s low of .0041 on Wednesday, to a new high of .0098 yesterday.

That worked out to a two-day swing of 139% We’ll continue to monitor this play, and will look for the registering of higher lows and a breach from subpenny into penny territory., Inc. AMZN – Options Idea

We’re taking a look at Amazon this morning for a possible options play. The stock has been building a nice head of steam over the past few sessions, and appears to want to continue that trend today. To take advantage in the event of a continued uptrend, we’ll signal a range of options contracts, the AMZN Weekly $757.50-762.50 Calls.

*Please remember that highly-experienced options traders are the only people who should ever attempt to trade weekly expiring options on a Friday.

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