Titan Iron Ore Corp. TFER
TFER was a feature in yesterday’s daily report, and for good reason. The stock had just been coming off of its 52-wk low, and was trading for as little as .095 during yesterday ‘s session. Today, we’ve already seen a high of .145, representing overnight gains of up to 52%.
As we stated yesterday, should TFER break past the previous 20DMA at .12, we’d like to see that hold as a level of support to remain bullish. So far today that has happened; at the time of this publication, the stock is currently trading in the .13-.14 range. The next main patch of resistance comes at the 50DMA of .16.
Link to yesterday’s Video Chart on TFER
Apple, Inc. AAPL
AAPL continued to lose support this morning, leading us to focus on the $400 Puts, which were as cheap as 2.48, before hitting a high of 8.75, and the $410 Puts, which traded in an impressive range from 6.95-17.15. Possible gains were as high as 253%, and 147%, respectively. As we said this morning, the volatility of AAPL makes for some pretty exciting possibilities for anyone with options trading-ability.