Blue Horseshoe Stocks: Afternoon Updates

We wanted to take a minute this afternoon to display the success of a recent report, and possible gains resulting from the selections within.We are always compiling lists of promising plays, and more often than not, it turns out well for us.

One of the main things that sets us apart from our “competition”, is the fact that we continually scrape and scour the markets for any opportunities we can find, and then pass along to you. This is very unlike the majority of those competitors, who primarily mention plays for which they’ve been compensated. Our main concern is, as it has always been, being the best newsletter out there by providing the most variety, with only a small fraction of paid promotions (which we always disclose immediately). We know we toot our own horns quite often, but this is only because we are consistently and indisputably the best stock newsletter that we know of.

In addition to our daily focal points, we have coined the term “Extended Watchlist” for the sometimes huge variety of extra plays that we put on watch each day. Many of you have thanked us for the profits yielded by this daily secondary list of potential gainers. For instance, this morning, CLNT appeared on the Extended Watchlist and went on to make a massive move from 4.48-9.40, a possible gain of up to 110%!

But it doesn’t stop at the Extended Watchlist – Most of you will remember a scan we conducted on May 10th which showed stocks with recent Form 4 (Insider Trading) activity. The success of that scan will certainly lead us to conduct further Form 4 searches in the future. Take a look at the following stocks which came off of that watchlist and have increased in value since that time.

Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. CETV – Low Since Alert: 2.67 – High Today: 3.45 – Increase: 29%

EnteroMedics, Inc. ETRM – Low Since Alert: .85 – High Today: 1.15 – Increase: 34%

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corp. GLDD – Low Since Alert: 7.34 – High Today: 8.39 – Increase: 14%

Entravision Communications Corp. EVC – Low Since Alert: 4.40 – High Today: 5.21 – Increase: 18%

Usec, Inc. USU – Low Since Alert: .33 – High Today: .405 – Increase: 23%

As always, in addition to providing a vast range of our own selections, we are always open to reader input… If you have a stock that you think might make a good feature, by all means, drop us a line and let us know!

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