WBSI | WebSafety, Inc.

WebSafety, Inc. WBSI

We first mentioned WBSI in the end of March, prior to a massive awareness campaign fueled by several newsletters. Our timing was great at the time, expressing our own interest well in advance of the crowd.

We feel that a revisit of this stock now, will turn out to be properly timed as well. The chart setup is looking ripe for more opportunities, and we like the sector in which this company operates.

Cell phone safety should be a priority for everyone, but especially for parents. WBSI is giving parents peace of mind, with their technology that disallows texting while driving, an occurence which has caused severe damage and even death in the past.WBSI provides a safe haven from such worries for parents of new drivers.

The company also offers solutions for the prevention of cyber-bullying, as well as explicit, or degrading texting. There is even an application for physi cal location tracking, so parents always know where their child is located.

There are several other applications outside of preventing young drivers from these dangers. Companies (schools, logistics/transportation, delivery, etc.) with multiple drivers on the payroll would find WebSafety invaluable in many cases.

We have provided you with a video chart for WBSI to point out some of the technicals.


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