Blue Horseshoe Stock Report – 08/19/11

Exit Only, Inc. EXTO

EXTO is processing a name change from Exit Only, Inc. to Bayport Corporation, however in light of the circumstances, perhaps a change to Entry Only, Inc. is in order! We are exceedingly pleased with this stock today, after a blockbuster PR took it on a ride Thursday.

It can be difficult to maintain focus on other things when a company announces the potential for well over $1M dollars A DAY in gold production (and that is rounding all of their expected figures DOWN considerably), as extrapolated from the assay results of the company’s “WOW Property”, which alluded to the fact that the company can expect to retrieve .324 oz. of pure gold from every ton of ore they process.

Granted the fact that they intend to pull 5,000 tons of ore from the property on a daily basis, any kid with basic math skills could tell you that this thing is a true GOLDEN opportunity.

eMax Holdings Corp. EMXC

As for EMXC,, we have been falling in love with the chart that it has formed over the past couple of weeks. This stock has been on a consistent uptrend since it first came to our attention, building higher levels of support all the while.

We saw a little pullback this week, and EMXC has bounced nicely off of support at the .0015-16 range. Any flipper or day trader could have an absolute field day with this play, however we are in it for the long haul, as we love the slow and steady increases in PPS.

Based on the recent chart history, we are expecting to see EMXC crack back into .002+ territory. We also located a video chart on EMXC that you may find informative.

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